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Carbon is a java web framework inspired by Spring.

BCH compliance



Codacy Badge

codebeat badge


  • Dependency Injection
  • Mvc Application
  • Type Safe Config
  • Open-ended Authentication
  • Switchable Session Store
  • WebSocket Support

Dependency Injection

  • class register
  • method register

Register by Class

public class SomeComponent {
  // ...

public class Parent {
  private SomeComponent component;

Register by Method

public class Configuration {

  public SomeComponent someComponent() {
    // ...

Mvc Application

code looks like

public class IndexController {

    // service
    private BookService bookService;

    // === action[GET] ==========
    // Html Response Style
    // Carbon currently use Thymeleaf for template engine,
    // and you cannot change template engine sorry.
    @Action(url = "/books/{bookId}", method = HttpMethod.GET)
    public HtmlResponse booksDetailGet(@PathVariable("bookId") String bookId) {
        HtmlResponse response = new HtmlResponse("/path/to/template");

        // do something ...
        Book book = bookService.findBook(bookId);
        response.putData("key", book);

        return response;

    // or json Style. you can return anything!
    @Action(url = "/api/books/{bookId}", method = HttpMethod.GET)
    public Object booksApiDetailsGet (@PathVariable("bookId") String bookId) {
        Book book = bookService.findBook(bookId);
        return book;

    // === action[POST, PUT, DELETE] ==========
    @Action(url = "/api/books", method = HttpMethod.POST)
    public Object booksApiPost(@RequestCookie CookieEntity cookie,
                               @RequestBody RequestForm form) {
        // do something ...
        String code = cookie.getTrackingCode();
        LocalDate publishDate = form.getPublishDate();

Type Safe Config

powerd by snakeyaml

code looks like


# common settings
  port: 7927
  resourceDirectory: static
  resourceOutPath: static
  maxHeaderSize: 512000 #500KB
  maxContentSize: 2097152 #2MB
  implementation: jooq # jooq or hibernate
      db: carbondb
      user: root
      password: password
      port: 23306
  autoddl: create # none, create-only, drop, create, create-drop, validate, and update
  name: slf4j

# you can add any setting
  hoge: piyo
    string: aeiou
    integer: 123
    - fuga1
    - fuga2
    - fuga3

pojo mapping

@Setter // you must implement setter.
public class Nest {
  String string; // = aeiou
  int integer;   // = 123

public class SampleProps {
  String hoge; // = piyo
  Nest nest;
  List<String> list; // fuga1, fuga2, fuga3

public class UsingProps {
  private ConfigHolder config;
  public void useConf() {
    SampleProps props = config.findOne("sample", SampleProps.class);
    // or if you want get Nest props directly
    Nest nest = config.findOne("sample.nest", Nest.class);

Open-ended Authentication

code looks like below, and carbon-sample contains more detailed code.

public class SampleSecurityConfigAdapter implements SecurityConfigAdapter {

	// -----------------------------------------------------
	//                                               for Basic Auth
	//                                               -------
	private BasicAuthRequestMapper basicMapper;
	private SampleBasicAuthIdentifier basicIdentifier;
	private BasicAuthEvent basicFinisher;

	// -----------------------------------------------------
	//                                               for Form Auth
	//                                               -------
	private FormAuthRequestMapper formMapper;
	private FormAuthIdentifier formIdentifier;
	private FormAuthEvent formFinisher;

	public void configure(SecurityConfiguration config) {
				.endPoint(HttpMethod.GET, "/basic/**")
				.endPoint(HttpMethod.POST, "/form/auth")
  • SecurityConfigAdapter
    you can extend authentication logic fully by implement SecurityConfigAdapter.class
  • identifier(AuthIdentifier<AuthIdentity> identifier)
    represent authentication info that correspond to authentication logic
  • base(String path)
    under the /basic is protected
  • endPoint(HttpMethod method, String path)
    authorization end point. special character '**' is match all
  • logout(String logoutPath)
  • redirect()
    represent redirect url, if no authorization
  • requestMapper(RequestMapper mapper)
    RequestMapper has an obligation to map Request to AuthInfo(i.e. extract username and password)
  • finisher(AuthEventListener authEventListener)
    handle OnAuth event and OnFail event. (i.e. if you want set additional session info, you can set it by AuthEventListener)

Switchable Session Store

By default, carbon use InMemorySessionStore for storing session info. However, you can use any session store you want, by implementing SessionStore, and register dependency. Carbon provide RedisSessionStore.class that implements SessionStore.class. carbon-sample's code likes


    port: 26379

public class SampleConfiguration {
    private ConfigHolder config;
    public SessionStore redisSession() {
        RedisConfig redis = config.findOne("sample.redis", RedisConfig.class);
        return new RedisSessionStore(redis.getHost(), redis.getPort());

WebSocket Support

Annotation based and pub-sub pattern web socket.
code looks likes.
(you can find package org.carbon.sample.web.message in carbon-sample fully detail code.)

@Socket(url = "/message/socket/{userName}/{roomId}")
public class MessageSocket {

    public void onConnect() {
        // do something ...

    public void onClose() {
        // do something ...

    public MessageDto onReceive(@PathVariable("roomId") String roomId, Message message) {
        return new MessageDto(message.getFrom().getKey(), message.getContent());

    public ChannelConfiguration config(@PathVariable("userName") String userName,
                                       @PathVariable("roomId") String roomId) {
        return ChannelConfiguration.simple(roomId, userName);
  • @Socket
    Represent WebSocket endpoint. Argument url can be set path variable, and variable inject into method parameter (annotated by @OnOpen, @OnClose, @OnReceive, @Channeld)
  • @OnOpen
    Called when WebSocket start.
  • @OnClose
    Called when WebSocket close
  • @OnReceive
    Called when message is received. Message.class contains sender info and content.
    You can return Anything by this method.
    if this annotated method return object excepting String.class,
    object is converted to json string.
  • @Channeld
    Configure ChannelConfiguration.
    ChannelConfiguration represents
    • 'the WebSocket endpoint identity'
    • 'to'.
      'the WebSocket endpoint identity' is put on Message.class.
      'to' is used for Where channel message send.