A machine learning project for 6nomands
The task at hand is a multi-class classification problem, for which both a training and a test set
are provided as .csv
files. You have to classify last column that contains 4 classes: [0,1,2,3]
Work on this classification task by building a classifier only with the training data (downloadable here - train.csv file), with the goal of achieving the best performance possible on the validation data (downloadable here - test.csv).
Problem should be solved using either Python or R.
Add a short writeup with your observations about the problem, your thought process throughout your work with it, any interesting findings you have and, finally, a descriptions of the results you have obtained. We would also like to get any code you write for this project, and would appreciate it if it was informally commented so that its easier to read for us.
We would appreciate if you can use some kind of interactive development environment
e.g. Jupyter Notebook that contains the writeup, some plots if necessary along with the code.
In this case you can send us either .html
or .ipynb
File 6nomads_AutoML.ipynb