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Contains the algorithm implementation, a list of protocols followed for successful implementation and sample input and out for usage purpose.


Protocols/Strategy followed:

Initializing centroids

Centroids are assigned randomly. Choosing K centroids from the given data points.\

Maintaining K centroids

On assigning data-points to its nearest centroid, a situation may arise - for some of the centroids there is no data-point assigned. This is referred to as centroid collapse.
To counter this, I have incorporated the following strategy:

  • Sum of distances for each data point from the existing centroids.
  • The data point(s) with the maximum distance are chosen as the new centroids
  • Implicitly stating that the new clusters would have at least one data point(centroid itself) associated with it.
  • Now, the re-computation of the centroids is done by taking the mean of the data-points associated with the now-new clusters.
  • There might occur a condition when this method might not resolve the problem, in that case I redo the random centroid initialization.

Deciding ties

A tie occurs when one data point is equidistant from one or more centroids. If a tie occurs, the data point is labelled to the centroid that comes first alphabetically.

Stopping criteria

The implementation is such that it gives the user the preference to chose from 2 stopping criteria.

  • Default: Change in the centroid position.
  • SSE: Total SSE for all the clusters.

The threshold specified much be stated as per the stopping criteria. A bound on the iterations can also be set, this is vital in circumstances when the stopping parameter never comes below the threshold.


  • dt: The data, this is a compulsory parameter.
  • K: Number of clusters. Optional parameter, Default: K = 2.
  • Stop: The stopping/convergence criteria. Optional Parameter,
    • Default: Change in centroid position or
    • SSE.
  • Threshold: Optional parameter, a limit below which if the value of the stopping criteria attribute falls, convergence is achieved. Default: Threshold = 1
  • Iteration: Optional parameter, a limit beyond which the algorithm halts irrespective of the convergence/stopping criteria. Default: Iteration = 50.
  • KmPP: Optional parameter, Activates k-means++ algorithm for centroid initialization. Default: KmPP = FALSE.
  • Normalize: Optional parameter, whether to normalize or standardize the data provided in dt. Default: Normalize = FALSE.


The kMeans function returns a list:

  1. Cluster Labels
  2. # Iterations required for convergence.
  3. SSE, only returned when Stop = SSE


dt <- data.table('X1'=c(1,1,0,5,6,4),'X2'=c(4,3,4,1,2,0))
Result <- kMeans(dt = dt
                 ,K = 2
                 ,Threshold = 1
                 ,Iteration = 100
                 ,KmPP = TRUE
                 ,Normalize = F
                 ,Stop = 'SSE')
Cluster.label <- unlist(Result[1])
Itr <- unlist(Result[2])
SSE <- unlist(Result[3])

Expectatation Maximization -- Gaussian Mixture Model

Protocols/Strategy followed:


  • Initializing each Gaussian: Randomly initialize the means for every Gaussian by choosing K data-points from the total data-points without replacement.
  • The initial covariance matrix(SIGMA): Assigned as a identity matrix of the order d x d, where d are the number of columns in the data-matrix.
  • Prior probabilities are taken as equal, meaning that the data-point has equal probability of appearing/associating with each cluster/Gaussian.

Deciding ties

If tie occurs, i.e. a data-point exhibits equal probability of belonging to more than one Gaussian, then the Gaussian which appears first chronologically gets that data-point.

Stopping criteria

Convergence is said to have occurred if equation is taken to be or the order 10^{-10}. Now, there are situations when this criteria will not be met, in which case a bound on the iterate is issued, the value of which is kept to 25 iterations.

Dealing with Singular matrix

Singular matrix is encountered if the determinant of matrix results in 0. I have explored 3 method of getting around this situation. Discussing them below:

  • Consider convergence in the weights(probabilities) of the W(i-1) iteration, as the W(i) would be 0, due to results in the singular matrix sigma. By doing this, convergence is not achieved.
  • Neglect the run and have a fresh initialization done. Perform this until we get to convergence. This method ensures that the EM algorithm leads to convergence but, we end up initializing from a set of cluster(Gaussian) means that remain relatively consistent over the numerous run of the EM algorithm. Any other initialization would obviously result in singular matrix, thus, redoing the entire process.
  • Perform pseudo inverse: This helps deal with few cases. We need to think of a matrix to substitute with Sigma to get its determinant. I decided to substitute it with pseudo inverse matrix. This might not be the best solution to this as this is a random thought that came in my mind.
  • Introduce a small error(10^-5) if the sigma is singular.
    Of all the above methods, introducing a small error(10^-5) is the best. As the error appears to have minimized.


  • data: The data, this is a compulsory parameter. Expects a data to be passed as a data.matrix.

  • K: Number of clusters. Optional parameter, Default:K=2.

  • Threshold: Optional parameter, a limit below which if the value of the stopping criteria attribute falls, convergence is achieved. Default: Threshold = 10^{-10}.

  • Bound: Optional parameter, a limit beyond which the algorithm halts irrespective of the convergence/stopping criteria. Default:Bound = 50.

  • Normalize: Optional parameter, whether to normalize or standardize the data provided in data. Default: Normalize = FALSE.


The EM.Clust function returns a list as output. The list consists of 2 elements: \begin{enumerate}

  • A vector that contains cluster labels.
  • # Iterations taken to achieve convergence.


data <- fread('')
Observed <- data$V35  
data$V35 <- NULL
data$V2 <- NULL
Result <- EM.Clust(data = data.matrix(data)
                   ,Normalize = T)
Cluster.label <- unlist(Result[1])
Itr <- unlist(Result[2])