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Scrum #1

AK edited this page May 16, 2017 · 3 revisions

This is a review of our first scrum:

We took the base code provided by Mr. Hoel and came to a consensus that we would complete the three basic back-end requirements before working on the styling. As having a secure login and logout, as well as being able to search and delete tweets with hashtags were already provided in the base code, we decided we would dedicate this scrum to having a fully functioning search bar. In order to do so, we had to add a form to edit.php and create a search.php. The new file had almost identical code to edit.php, except the table that was being drawn only contained specific content based on what was searched. We were able to determine what was searched by using a SQL command line that only looked for certain hashtags and/or tweets from our table, located in our database.

Stories Completed: 1) Secure login and logout 2) Successful tweeting and hashtagging 3) Search bar with new table displayed

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