- run the Dash_bike_App.py file and it will show a localhost ip
- input the ip to the browser which will show the App on you local web browser
- This is a project to understand GIS map operations using Python Dash
- it uses some of the public data provided by Bluebike.
- packages used in this application
- Dash: provide user interface
- dash_leaflet: provide operations on map
- dash_extensions: provide advanced operations on map markers
- folium: map operations (add layers to maps)
- pandas: data processing
- networkx and osmnx: for GIS network operations (e.g. calculating shortest path)
marker hover feature
stations inside a radius
Specify the radius, and then when click the marker of each station, it will display the included stations IDs and their direct distance (meters) from the clicked station. And display those stations as a nested list
click the marker is the same as select from the dropdown menu (the two red rectangles)
shortest routes between two stations