Using this package you can do a deep conversion of your dataclass to a dictionary and initialize it from dict.
To download deeply, either fork this github repo or simply use PyPI via pip.
$ pip install deeply
1 - Import
from deeply import Deeply
from dataclasses import dataclass
2 - Define your data classes with the following inheritance:
class A(Deeply):
a1: int
a2: int
class B(Deeply):
b1: str
b2: str
class C(Deeply):
a: A
b: B
3 - Create an instance of the class and you can already use it:
c = C(A(1, 2), B('foo', 'bar'))
# {'a': {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2}, 'b': {'b1': 'foo', 'b2': 'bar'}}
4 - You can also initialize your class from a dictionary:
c = C.init_from_dict({
'a': {
'a1': 1,
'a2': 2
'b': {
'b1': 'foo',
'b2': 'bar'
# C(a=A(a1=1, a2=2), b=B(b1='foo', b2='bar'))
5 - And finally: you can set your own conversion rules in deep dict.
Deeply.rules: List[Tuple[Callable[[T], bool], Callable[[T], Any]]] = [
(lambda obj: hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'), lambda obj: obj.isoformat()),