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Simplify.WindowsServices Documentation

If you are just starting your project it is better for you to use Simplify.Scheduler + nssm (if you want to host your service on Windows) rather than Simplify.WindowsServices

Provides BasicServiceHandler, SingleTaskServiceHandler, MultitaskServiceHandler windows-services base classes, ServiceInstallerBase installation base class.

Allows you to simply create and use windows services. Every user class instance will be instantiated using Simplify.DI IOC container which provides DI by default for your windows services.

Available at NuGet as binary package

Principle of work

To use Simplify.WindowsServices, you must create a class with the Run method in it and pass this class to the handler as a type parameter. The Run method will be invoked by the handler class (the handler types are listed below), this method will be your execution process root. An instance of your class will be created using the IOC Simplify.DI container, so you can register any types that your class depends on through DIContainer.Current, and they will be automatically resolved.

Run method can be one of the following:

  • Parameterless Run() method.
  • Run(string serviceName) if you want to access a service name.
  • Run(IJobArgs args) if you want to access a service name or startup parameters.

Run method can be void or can return Task (can be used for async/await code).

Quick start

There is a templates package available at for Simplify.WindowsServices.

Install the Simplify.WindowsServices templates package:

dotnet new -i Simplify.WindowsServices.Templates

Create an initial Simplify.WindowsServices based project:

dotnet new simplify.windowsservice -n HelloWorld

Or create an initial Simplify.WindowsServices + work with database based project:

dotnet new simplify.windowsservicewithdatabase -n HelloWorld


BasicServiceHandler class is best suited for services that run without timers, for example, a TCP server or client.



public class MyClass
    public void Run()
        // Some task


static void Main(string[] args)
    new BasicServiceHandler<MyClass>(true).Start(args);

The true parameter indicates what MyClass class will be automatically registered in DIContainer.Current like DIContainer.Current.Register<MyClass>(); otherwise you should do it manually:

static void Main(string[] args)
    new BasicServiceHandler<MyClass>().Start(args);


SingleTaskServiceHandler class is best suited to perform one task, which must be periodically started by a timer.

You can specify timer intervals in seconds or just set the Ncrontab expression for timer. This options should be set via configuration. If no settings specified in a config, then the timer will be executed once every minute. If both timer interval and crontab expression specified in the config, then the crontab expression will be used instead.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <section name="ServiceSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />

        <!-- Specifying crontab expression -->
        <add key="CrontabExpression" value="* * * * *" />

        <!-- Or specifying timer interval in seconds -->
        <add key="ProcessingInterval" value="30" />

For crontab expression examples see

Multiple crontab expressions can be specified, for example: 30 14 * * *|45 1 * * *|0 12 * * Mon

SingleTaskServiceHandler working example


public class MyClass
    public void Run()
        // Some task


static void Main(string[] args)
    new SingleTaskServiceHandler<MyClass>(true).Start(args);


MultitaskServiceHandler class is best suited for multiple tasks services.

This is the same as SingleTaskServiceHandler but allows you to specify multiple working classes/methods. You can add multiple jobs with different timer intervals/crontab expressions.

You can use single class with several methods, each specified method will be launched by the corresponding task (a new instance of the class will be created), or simply use several classes.


MultitaskServiceHandler working example


static void Main(string[] args)
    // Handler creation
    var handler = new MultitaskServiceHandler();

    // Jobs addition

    // If configuration section is not specified then 'YourClassName + Settings' section name will be used

    // Manually specified section name and invoke method name
    handler.AddJob<TaskProcessor1>("TaskProcessor1SecondTaskSettings", "RunTask2");

    // Registering class manually


public class TaskProcessor1
    public void Run()
        Debug.WriteLine("TaskProcessor1 Run executed");

    public void RunTask2()
        Debug.WriteLine("TaskProcessor1 RunTask2 executed");
public class TaskProcessor2
    public void Run()
        Debug.WriteLine("TaskProcessor2 Run executed");


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <section name="TaskProcessor1Settings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
        <section name="TaskProcessor1SecondTaskSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
        <section name="TaskProcessor2Settings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />

        <add key="CrontabExpression" value="*/2 * * * *" />

        <add key="ProcessingInterval" value="30" />

        <add key="ProcessingInterval" value="45" />

Services installation/uninstallation

If you pass the args parameter from your Main method to the Start handler method, then you can install/uninstall the service using the service command line parameters.

Installation example

MyService.exe install

Uninstallation example

MyService.exe uninstall

Windows-service installer base class

ServiceInstallerBase class allows you to install a windows service with information from your assembly information fields, like Title, Description.

Description and Title fields of a specified assembly will be used as your service name and description.

  • Title will be used as a service ID
  • Description will be used as a service name and description (you will be able to see that information in Services.msc after service will be installed).

Default ServiceInstallerBase usage

public class ServiceInstaller : ServiceInstallerBase

Specifying service "RunAs" user

Through the configuration file, you can specify the username and password under which the service will be launched.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

        <section name="ServiceInstallerSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />

        <add key="RunAsUserName" value="UserName"/>
        <add key="RunAsUserPassword" value="UserPassword"/>

Specifying service system account

You can specify the service system account under which the service will be launched.

        <add key="ServiceAccount" value="NetworkService"/>

Possible values: LocalService, NetworkService, LocalSystem

Note: if RunAsUserName and RunAsUserPassword is set in the config, then the ServiceAccount parameter will be ignored.

Note: you can specify any user, for example: domain user as "YourDomain\UserName".

Additional settings

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <section name="ServiceSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />

        <!-- Execute GC.Collect(); after each "Run" method execution (default value is: true) -->
        <add key="CleanupOnTaskFinish" value="true" />

        <!-- The maximum allowed paraller tasks of the same job (the new task will be create in paraller if previous task is not ended execution). (default value is: 1, so the only one task of the same job can exist at a time) -->
        <add key="MaximumParallerTasksCount" value="2" />

Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration support in Simplify.WindowsServices

Simplify.WindowsServices support configuration via IConfiguration instead of old ConfigurationManager App.config, just use one of the respective handler methods



var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false)

var handler = new SingleTaskServiceHandler<MyClass>(configuration);


        "CrontabExpression": "* * * * *"

Global exceptions catching which can be thrown when resolving instances by Simplify.DI in handler

Simplify.WindowsService can catch all exceptions thrown by a user code To receive such catch event you should subscribe to handler OnException event.

static void Main(string[] args)
    var handler = new SingleTaskServiceHandler<MyClass>();

    handler.OnException += OnException;

static void OnException(ServiceExceptionArgs args)

DI example


public interface IMyClass2

public class MyClass2 : IMyClass2
    public SomeMethod()

public class MyClass
    private IMyClass2 _myclass2;

    public MyClass(IMyClass2 myclass2)
        _myclass2 = myclass2;

    public void Run()


static void Main(string[] args)
    DIContainer.Current.Register<IMyClass2, MyClass2>();

    new SingleTaskServiceHandler<MyClass>().Start(args);