Invoicing application using Laravel
##How to install:
- Step 1: Get the code
- Step 2: Use Composer to install dependencies
- Step 3: Create database
- Step 4: Install
- Step 5: Start Page
Extract it in www(or htdocs if you using XAMPP) folder. You can setup a virtual host if needed.
On Windows, you can use the Composer Windows installer.
Then run:
composer install
to install dependencies Laravel and other packages.
Create database on your database server(MySQL). You must create database with utf-8 collation(uft8_general_ci), to install and application work perfectly. After that, copy .env.example and rename it as .env and put connection and change default database connection name, only database connection, put name database, database username and password.
Make sure node.js is installed in your system using the below command. Else install it from
node -v
Install dependencies listed in package.json with:
npm install
Retrieve frontend dependencies with Bower, compile SASS, and move frontend files into place:
Now that you have the environment configured, you need to create a database configuration for it. For create database tables use this command:
php artisan migrate
And to initial populate database use this:
php artisan db:seed
If you have configured the appication in your localhost using virtual host under the port say for example 9999, you can access the application at
You can now login to admin part of Site:
password: admin123
OR user
password: user123