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Minecraft Tips

Bert Speckels edited this page Jan 8, 2020 · 10 revisions


You can find answers to the following questions here:

  • How to prepare the world?
  • How to grow saplings fast?
  • How to set day time?
  • How to move to a specific location of the map?

How to prepare the world?





Here is the template for your flat world. It will create a world with 1 bedrock, 39 stone and 20 water:


Accordingly, you use the following configuration:

# ...

How to grow saplings fast?

You have to activate cheats in your world and then issue the following command:

/gamerule randomTickSpeed 1000

As far as I know, the standard value is 3. Useful values ​​for rapid growth are between 250 and 2000. With 1000 almost all trees grow when flying by. But note: Trees don't grow at night.

How to set day time?

You have to activate cheats in your world and then issue the following command:

/time set day

How to move to a specific location of the map?

You have to find the x and y coordinates in your map image.

Them - if you have activated cheats in your world - issue the following command:

/teleport x 70 y

70 is the height position in the minecraft world. So choose a position which is above your landscape.