This is a module for displaying messages from Discord channels on MagicMirror.
The module uses discord's bot API and the npm package discord.js.
- Go to discord developer and create a new application and a bot. Obtain the bot token and also invite the bot to your server. (Discord Developer docs)
- Clone the repository in your
git clone
- Go inside the
directory and run:
npm install
- Right click on the discord channels you're interest in and copy their ID, then add it to the
Example config:
module: "MMM-DiscordWatch",
position: "top_right",
header: "Discord",
config: {
discordToken: "<your token here>",
tableClass: "small",
maxEntries: 10,
maxMessageLength: 25,
maxMessageLines: 1,
wrapEvents: false,
fade: true,
fadePoint: 0.25,
showChannel: true,
subscribedChannels: ["123456891373953034","123456038079119360"], //2 channels to listen to for example
Name | Description | Default value |
discordToken |
A discord bot token. | false |
tableClass |
Size of the table, only small is tested and verified. small/medium/large |
small |
maxEntries |
Amount of messages to list. | 10 |
maxMessageLength |
How many symbols of text can be shown. | 25 |
maxAuthorLength |
Maximum length for author nick shown. | 8 |
maxMessageLines |
Maximum lines a message can use, if wrapEvents is true. |
1 |
wrapEvents |
Defines if messages should be wrapped to a new line or not. | false |
fade |
Used to fade the last messages. | true |
fadePoint |
Location of the fade. | 0.25 |
showChannel |
Whether to show the source channel of the message or not. | true |
subscribedChannels |
Array of channels that the module will listen to | [] |