Repository of my Javascript, CSS, and HTML 30 days of code
- I'll be active on Twitter and update all the projects I can. Hopefully I can get 30 projects in 30 days.
My goals:
- start small
- build bigger
- get my Javascript up to snuff
- on day 2, I only have 7.3% JavaScript. I want that up much higher on day 30... let's shoot for 30%
Hopefully it works out. I know Python and have exprience with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, but I'm looking to do more. This is my step towards web development and web design. I actually started this process in 2001 (sophomnore year!) but gave it up because I.... don't know why :( I wish my computer science teacher (aka computer class) would've known more than she did and inspired us.
I made some mistakes along the way and didn't post a new project every day. Bummed about that. There were a few projects that I didn't finish even though I wanted to. Just a bit too difficult. I got them started, but didn't complete.
My plan is to go back and finish those at some time in the future. These projects included...
- calculator
- quiz app
- flashcards
- breakout game
As for the HTML, CSS and JS breakdown...
- Day 6 -> 45% CSS, 34% HTML, 21% JS
- Day 10 -> 36% CSS, 34% JS, 30% HTML
- Day 20-30 -> 38% HTML, 32% CSS, 30$ JS
Days and Projects
- Day 1: S-Figure
- Day 2: Click Counter
- Day 3: Stopwatch
- Day 4: Clock
- Day 5: Background Color Changer
- Day 6: Blog Posting
- Day 7: Calculator
- Day 8: Quote Generator
- Day 9: Word Counter
- Day 10: To Do List
- Day 11: BMI Calculator
- Day 12: Background Image Slider
- Day 13: Client Testimonials
- Day 14: Menu
- Day 15: Tip Calculator
- Day 16: Grocery List
- Day 20?: Salary Input
- Day 22?: Drawing App
- Day 27?: Addition Game
- Day 30: Coin Toss