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Recording a session HOWTO

Amélie Cornélis edited this page Jun 1, 2023 · 10 revisions

Adding a wiki page

Adding or editing a wiki page is straight forward. It requires you are signed into a GitHub account.

Once you are signed in you simply click 'New Page' or 'Edit' anywhere on the wiki. Once you have added your content using the browser based editor just click 'Save Page'.

Make sure you link your session back to the Sessions page so people can find it easily.


Uploading images can be more painful as it requires you to clone and merge, which you are welcome to do if you would like.

To make things quicker I suggest one of the following:

  1. Use a hack of the github issuer tracker, which allows you to drag and drop images into the editor e.g.

  2. Use or a similar service which allows you to upload and link images without having to sign up.

What to record?

  • Photos of projected content/flipchart/post-its
  • Bullets of topics covered, things learnt, discovered
  • Links to materials or documentation
  • Photo of the session in progress (ask for permission and respect any yellow lanyards)
Clone this wiki locally