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Change Logs

Ollie Lansdell edited this page Jul 30, 2016 · 5 revisions

1.9.4/1.10.X Versions

####Version 3.0.8 Fixes

  • Fixed Basic Greenhouse GUI positioning
  • Fixed Magnetic Flux Renderering, Magnet doesn't spin for now
  • Fixed crash with Leaves on 1.10 versions.
  • Fixed Obsidian Key being unable to drop Purified Obsidian
  • Fixed Purified Obsidian being destroyed by the Wither
  • Fixed Calculators not using energy when crafting
  • Fixed Calculators "bobbing" when closed.
  • Fixed Client Crash when throwing Small Stones / Soil
  • Fixed Client Crash when using some modules on the Flawless Calculator
  • Fixed the Throw Direction of Small Stones and Soil
  • Fixed Conductor Mast not exporting its enery
  • Fixed Basic Greenhouse not taking energy from items


  • Added Ore Dict compatibility for Amethyst/Tanzanite in recipes

####Version 3.0.7 Fixes

  • Fixed crash when placing Greenhouses

  • Fixed crash when placing/destroying Hand Cranked Generators

  • Fixed Gas Lanterns/Generators using fuel endlessly

  • Added JEI support for the Fabrication Chamber

####Version 3.0.6 Fixes

  • Fixed Client crash when throwing Grenades
  • Fixed Rain Sensor not emitting a redstone signal
  • Fixed Leaves not growing Amethyst, Tanzanite etc.
  • Fixed JEI 'Show Recipes' not showing up for some machines
  • Added each Recipe's Crafting Item to JEI

####Version 3.0.5

  • HOT FIX for Machines not running.

####Version 3.0.4


  • Machines pausing all the time, caused by high redstone sensitivity
  • Fixed Crash with Storage Chamber
  • Diamond Sapling can be planted on End Diamond only, again.
  • Storage Module can be used again
  • Axe Attack Speeds have been decreased.
  • Rain Sensor & Weather Controller not rendering properly.
  • Fabrication Chamber item rendering


  • Transfer Upgrade now has a crafting Recipe
  • Added Progress Bar to the Fabrication Chamber
  • JEI Support for the Conductor Mast

####Version 3.0.3 Additions

  • Added Conductor Mast, Weather Station, Transmitter and Scarecrow (returning features)
  • Ability to view approximate RF per tick and RF per strike for the Conductor Mast


  • Fixes Crash with all Extractors
  • Fixes Calculator Plug and Calculator Locator not rendering their proper states

####Version 3.0.2 -Added TESLA SUPPORT for all Items and Machines

####Version 3.0.1 Additions

  • Added buttons to Basic and Advanced Greenhouses to rebuild and demolish them.


  • Fixed JEI Integration
  • Fixed Basic & Advanced Greenhouses building incorrectly.
  • Fixed Carbon Dioxide Generator function

####Version 3.0.0

  • Direct Port from 1.8.9

1.8.9 Versions (No longer supported)

####Version 2.0.1

  • Ported all changes seen in last 1.7.10 versions

####Version 2.0.0 Additions

  • Added JEI integration for all Calculators and most standard machines
  • Added Fabrication Chamber - used for Fabricating items from Circuits
  • Added Warp Module - Provides the function of Home Teleport on the Flawless Calculator
  • Added Jump Module - Allows you to teleport where the cursor is pointing (uses some power)
  • Added Reinforced Chest - Allows to store 4x more than a normal chest in stacks of 256.
  • Added Tanzanite and Amethyst Piping - (Currently not working though)
  • Added Flawless Assembly (no crafting recipe or use yet)
  • Added Transfer Upgrade - Allows for instant transfer from a machine to another.


  • Flawless Calculator has a new interface for switching modes
  • Info Calculator has a new GUI and loads more information on each item.
  • Large portions of the code have been rewritten, as a result this version will be less server intense and more efficient in general, but more bugs will have arisen.

1.7.10 Versions (No longer supported)

####Version 1.9.11 Additions

  • Added mode to the Flux Controller to charge only your hotbar when in transmitter mode
  • Added config options for Energy Requirements and Speed of all the machines.
  • Added Machine Stats tabs to machines on their GUI but also on their Tool Tip
  • Right-clicking a Calculator Plug with a stable circuit will automatically insert it.


  • The Calculator Locator & The Conductor Mast now generate 4x more power
  • Changes to how Energy and Speed Upgrade effect the speed of machines
  • Changes to all machine speeds/energy usage.
  • The following recipes have been changed...

Calculator Assembly x8 = Cobblestone x5 & Stone Buttons x4 Advanced Assembly x4 = Calculator Assembly x4 & Enriched Gold Ingot x4 & Reinforced Iron Ingot x1 Atomic Module x4 = Calculator Assembly x4 & Small Tanzanite x4 & Diamond x1 Algorithm Seperator = Reinforced Iron Blocks x4 & Stone Seperator x2 & Power Cube x2 & Diamond x1


  • Fixes duplicating glitch with Wrench and Matter Overdrive machine

  • Fixes Weather Stations not connecting to Conductor Masts at some distances

  • Fixes Precision Chamber Recipes (MineWitherMC)

  • Fixed Calculator Locators not updating their energy

  • Probably some other things I've forgotten

####Version 1.9.10 -Fixes Redstone Ingot Recipes -Fixes placing Calculators inside Calculators

####Version 1.9.9 Fixes

  • Purified Obsidian is indestructible again
  • Algorithm Assimilators will output from Diamond and Pear trees again.
  • Chambers will update their animation without the GUI being opened.
  • The leaves can no longer be duped
  • Right clicking Tanzanite/Amethyst leaves with Health/Hunger Module will no longer let you go above 1000
  • You won't lose your bucket when using lava as fuel in Starch/Glowstone/Redstone Extractors
  • Flux Plugs/Points will connect to Ender IO things properly.
  • Redstone can no longer be duped with Algorithm Separator.

####Version 1.9.8 -Fixes recipes disappearing

####Version 1.9.7 -HOT FIX for Greenhouses voiding items

####Version 1.9.6 -Changed to new inventory handling

####Version 1.9.5 -Attempted Hot Fix for crash when placing machines

####Version 1.9.4 Changes

  • Complete Overhaul of my Syncing System, expect better performance on servers.
  • Better integration with Practical Logistics
  • Fixes Server Spam from Advanced Power Cube
  • Some more Bug Fixes

####Version 1.9.3


  • Requires Latest Sonar Core 0.0.4 due to changes to Inventory Management.


  • Amethyst & Tanzanite Recipes
  • Advanced Greenhouse Requirements
  • Greenhouses Waila Updates Properly

####Version 1.9.2

  • Fixes AE2 Crash



  • Stairs and Fences for Reinforced Stone, Reinforced Stone Bricks, Reinforced Dirt and Reinforced Dirt Bricks


  • Storage Chambers now interact with AE2 Storage Buses
  • Analysed Circuits are now labelled


  • General optimising

####Version 1.9.0 Changes

  • Calculator Locators now produce 500rf/t at their smallest size.


  • Greenhouses: Not adding farmland on some blocks
  • Greenhouses: Voiding some items
  • Lanterns: Dropping Coal when placed inside
  • Sickle: Crashing on Pear Leaves

####Version 1.8.9 Fixes

  • Water Buckets Disappearing in Recipes/Tanks when Calculator is installed.
  • Machines can now take inputs properly
  • Flawless Greenhouse and Carbon Dioxide now connect properly to Stable Stone


  • Greenhouse textures
  • Carbon Dioxide Generator Texture
  • Crank model
  • Fuel textures

####Version 1.8.8

  • Adds MineTweaker thanks to AEnterprise the creator of BuildcraftAdditions
  • Adds config option for Tool Models

####Version 1.8.7

  • Fixes Servers Crashing at Startup. Sorry everyone :(
  • Conductor Mast produces more power.

####Version 1.8.6

  • Added support for AgriCraft Crops!
  • Added loads of types of Stable Stone!



Okay, this update makes the mod a lot more Energy intense, it was getting too OP so things are about to get much harder. Now almost every machine generates 5x less power and requires 5x more Other things require more power too e.g. Flawless Calculator Recipes have been changed to make some things harder e.g. Atomic Multiplier, Weather Controller


-Added Stone Assimilator -Added Algorithm Assimilator -Added Config for Scarecrow and Weather Controller


-Config: changed config folder name from "CalculatorMod" to "calculator" -Machines: Require 5x more power -Tree leaves: Now grow back, when a tree is planted nothing is grown. -Diamond Tree: Now harvests Flawless Diamonds and Weakened Diamonds but no regular diamonds. -Diamond Sapling: Can only be planted on End Diamond Block which becomes grass when grown. -Flawless Calculator: Can hold more power -Flawless Calculator: Requires power to Teleport -Flawless Calculator: Requires more power to throw grenades -Health Processor: Most items now create half as much health points. -Calculator Locator: Generates 5x less power -Conductor Mast: Generates 5x less power -Greenhouses: Require 3x more power -Atomic Multiplier: Now requires 1.5 billion RF -Atomic Multiplier: Recipe is much much harder -Weather Controller: Now requires 250000RF per operation as default -Weather Controller: Requires Nether Star to craft


-Flawless Calculator: Teleport derpyness -More random fixes

####Version 1.8.4 -Added Teleporters!! -Bug fixes

####Version 1.8.3 -More fixes

####Version 1.8.2 -Bug fixes

####Version 1.8.1 -Fixes wierd Calculator glitches...hopefully :) -Fixes problems with Crafting Calculator -Fixes Storage Module not opening. -You can not shift-right click recipes in Calculators with NEI

####Version 1.8.0 -Fixed crash when crafting with Calculators, in old versions of JAVA

####Version 1.7.7s -More final fixes -If your making a mod-pack use this version instead of 1.7.7 as it is by far the most stable.

####Version 1.7.7 -Final Fixes

-Conductor Mast Rendering

-Dynamic Calculator Recipes

####Version 1.7.6 -Visual overhaul on Extraction Chambers -Added Magnetic Flux - Magnetising items on the ground! -Added Docking Station - For auto crafting Calculator Recipes! -Added Fences -Disabled Research Chamber - It will return, but it cause a lot of problems -Loads of fixes

####Version 1.7.5 -Added Flux Controller -Added Flux Plug -Added Flux Point -Added Rain Sensor -Added Weather Controller -Added Fences for all the woods. -Fixed Storage Chamber Glitch & Incompatibility with Thermal Dynamics

-Fixed progress bar glitch.

-Changes to Speed/Energy upgrade system.

-Moving stack glitches with Calculators

####Version 1.7.4 Updated to version 1.7.4!

-Fixes Cauldron Incompatibility issues.

-Changes to Research System.

-Calculator Locators can now be bigger!!!

####Version 1.7.3 Loads of bug fixes. Special thanks to "DrWhoCares" for pointing so many out.

Some remain unfixed but all major bugs have been fixed.

-Crash when looking up recipes for Atomic Multiplier

-Crash when looking up recipes in Atomic Calculator

-Conductor Mast not has input and output sides.

-Atomic Multiplier shows Active/Idle properly.

-Greenhouses don't have flickering Gas Level Bars

-Greenhouses now add harvests crops directly to their inventories (if they can be planted again)

-Greenhouses now only allow items to be input into the planting slots.

-Greenhouses - Now require a single chest directly in front of them for operation.

-Conductor Mast - Produces Energy, updates progress bar.

-All machines, energy updates as it is added.

-Transmitter/Weather Station work properly with WAILA.

-Config file added to disable Blocks/Items

-Storage Chamber - Completely Fixed

-Dynamic Flawless Crafting is operational again.

-Recipe for Diamond Sapling fixed.

-Small Stone and Soil information swapped

-Machines show the input/output side.

-End Diamonds now stack to 16 items like Ender Pearls.

####Version 1.7.2 Removed

####Version 1.7.1 Removed

####Version 1.7.0 Added config for Data Watcher to avoid ID conflicts.

Major fixes to some containers.

Other minor bugs

####Version 1.6.9 -NEW RESEARCH SYSTEM


-Added Research Chamber

-Added Weather Station, Transmitter

-Added Reinforced Dirt and Stone Bricks

-Added Chinese Language File

-Fixed Health and Hunger Modules

-Fixed Wrong Recipes in Calculator

-Fixed Hand Cranked Generator Crash

-Fixed Progress Bar Glitch on Servers

-Small Stone and Soil can now be thrown - Stone Damages, Soil gives player blindness.

-Grenades and Small Stone/Soil fire from a dispenser

-Some minor bug fixes

####Version 1.6.8 -Fixed moving stacks glitches in Calculators

-All Calculators now store the items that are being crafted.

-Added Storage Module (a portable double sized chest)

-Atomic Multiplier blacklist in configuration files.

-Properly added animated textures to all base machines.

-Void Module and Storage Chamber now have recipes!

-Greenhouse compatibility for loads of mods, including speeding up growth for crops in Magical Crops!

-More recipes in all the Calculators!

####Version 1.6.7 -Added Storage Chamber (for storing circuits which have been analysed in Analysing Chamber)

-Added Void Module (Automatically destroys useless items from Analysing Chamber)

-Fixed Circuit Extraction systems.

-You can now add more Energy and Speed Modules

-When you destroy blocks their energy, points etc will be saved.

-Fixed NEI Filter glitch

####Version 1.6.6 -Properly fixed server crash on Right Clicking Calculators.

-Fixed weird ID glitches on products of Analysing Chamber

-Fixed Circuits not containing any items/energy or having stability.

####Version 1.6.5 -Fixed server crashes on right clicking all Calculators

-Calculator Locator beam now stops when it hits a solid block.

####Version 1.6.4 -Fixed Flawless Calculator crash on open.

-Fixed placement of percentage bars on Flawless Greenhouse

-Fixed Nutrition Module spamming.

####Version 1.6.3 -Locator now has a massive beam effect.

-Plug and Locator have changing textures.

-NEI integration for Analysing Chamber and Health Processor.

-Safety feature with Grenades of Flawless Calculators.

-Attempted fix at the reported stack moving glitch in calculators

####Version 1.6.2 -HOT FIX - Scientific Calculator Recipes not working

####Version 1.6.1 -Crash on start up (for servers) Conductor Mast

-Greenhouse Crashes

####Version 1.6.0 -Changed loads of Block Textures

-Changed some item textures.

-All GUI Textures Changed.

-Lantern collides properly

-Added Reinforced Furnace

-Cleaned up WAILA Integration

####Version 1.5.99

-HOT FIX - Remaining IC2 issues found and fixed, fingers crossed.

####Version 1.5.9 -Blocks not exporting

-Starch Extractor Crash

-Lag Reduction

-Added Tool Tips

-Fixed IC2 Related Crashes

-Fixed Hand Crank Crashes

-Updated upgrade mechanics

-Redone all Machine Operation (Smoother progress bars)

####Version 1.5.8 -Fixed all known bugs with Industrial Craft integration, please tell if there are any left.

####Version 1.5.7 -Crashing without IC2 Installed

####Version 1.5.6 -Generators use EU

-Machines use EU

-Items use EU

-Added Advanced Power Cube

####Version 1.5.5b -Deleted - Due to major bug

####Version 1.5.4b -Fixed Calculator Locator Crash

-Fixed Hand-Cranked Generator Crash

-Fixed the chance of bone meal crashes

####Version 1.5.3b

-Added WAILA Compatibility

-Added Basic/Advanced/Flawless Greenhouse

-Added Lantern/Gas Lantern

-Added Carbon Dioxide Generator

-Added Controlled Fuel, Coal Dust

-Added Fiddledew Fruit, Prunae Seeds

-Added Scarecrow

-Added Stairs for Woods

-Destroying machines with a wrench saves their stored RF

-Fixed Conductor Mast Wait Time Bugs

-Crafting Calculator NEI shift click.

-Shift clicks added for other Calculators

-Pear Sapling Recipe Fixed

####Version 1.5.2 -Major crash with Extraction Chamber on right click (on servers only)

-Some other minor bug fixes

-Added Precision Chamber (for those wanting speed/energy circuits)

-Lag Reduction

####Version 1.5.1 -Locator Module crashes game when right clicked.

-Flawless Calculator crashes server when used with Stable Stone.

-Some machines crashing when opened (I need to be told if this is still happening as I can't make it crash at all myself. However I have changed what I believed to be the problem.)

-Calculator Plug not updating with Circuits.

-Purified Coal - incorrect recipe.

-Phantom Circuits ("Broken Circuits") from Extraction Chamber.

-Atomic Multiplier saying "Idle" whilst being "Active".

-Atomic Multiplier Energy Bar glitch.

-Atomic Multiplier progress bar in the wrong place.

-Health Module incompatibility with Tinkers Construct.

-Redstone flux coming up as negative in some machines.

-Atomic Multiplier being SUPER OVER-POWERED

-Configuration of Extractors

-Recipes in Info Calculator glitch

####Version 1.5 -Added Info Calculator

-Added Conductor Mast

-Added Atomic Multiplier

-Added Redstone, Glowstone Extractors

-Significantly Reduced Lag

-Lots and Lots of Bug Fixes

####Version 1.4 -Added Energy and Speed Upgrades for machines (Right click the machine you want to add it to. When the block is broken they will drop.)

-Fixed Algorithm Separator wrong recipe.

-Fixed Starch Extractor not visually connecting

-Fixed other bugs

####Version 1.3 -All important Blocks/Items have usage info on NEI (Press U on items/blocks to see their use!)

-Calculators can be used in Creative mode without power

-Starch Extractor NEI Support

-Starch Extractor & Hand Cranked Generator can send power any direction (one at a time)

-Hand Cranked Generator Recipe Changed

-Added Baby Grenade (Grenade Recipe Changed)

-Fixed Calculator Plug Container Glitch

####Version 1.2 -Fixes All Known Bugs

-Changes Calculator Locator GUI

-Adds Particle Effects to the Machines.

####Version 1.1/1.0 -Unknown/Unreleased

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