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Flux Controller

Ollie Lansdell edited this page Sep 2, 2017 · 8 revisions


-The Flux Controller is used for managing Flux Networks. It gives you the ability to transfer Redstone Flux between dimensions and to wireless charge your inventory.

-It requires an End Diamond, six Reinforced Stone, and a Stable Stone to create, meaning you need at minimum a Atomic Calculator. It emits a light level of 15.

-The Flux Controller must be connected to a Network ID -Only one Flux Controller is allowed per network.

-The controller has four main functions detailed below.

Receive Options

Receive consists of five modes:


If Default is selected, there is no specific order to energy receiving. This means it will send energy to each point in order, respecting the max RF/t of both the Flux Plugs/Points. The order is initially the order each Plug/Point is chunk loaded, when their respective chunk is unloaded they will not be recognized by the system. The Flux Plug/Points with a larger priority (as set in their own GUI), will appear earlier in the order, in descending order of priority.

Even Distribution

When selected the network will attempt to spread the power at a normal speed as evenly as possible across all Flux Plugs/Points.


Surge functions in a similar way to default but energy transfer instead of each point receiving its max receive it receives energy from each plug in the system. Warning, this can cause a poor distribution as you could easily overflow your Flux Points. This speeds up the energy transfer rate by ignoring the Max Transfer set in individual Flux Plugs/Points.


If Hyper-Surge is selected, the network will transfer at 4X the normal transfer rate. Warning, this can cause power loss in the network. Just like Surge, this ignores Max Transfer settings.


If God-Surge is selected, the network will transfer at 10X the normal transfer rate. Warning, this can cause power loss in the network. Just like Surge, this ignores Max Transfer settings.

Send Options

Send consists of three modes:


If Default is selected, there will be no preference on which Flux Plug to send from first.

Largest First

If Largest First is selected, the network will target the Flux Plug that can send the most RF/t and uses it before any other Flux Plug. This continues down the line until you reach the Flux Plug that sends the least RF/t.

Smallest First

If Smallest First is selected, the network will target the Flux Plug that can send the least RF/t and uses it before any other Flux Plug. This continues down the line until you reach the Flux Plug that sends the most RF/t.

Transmitter Mode

When the transmitter mode is activated the Master of the flux controller will have their inventory wireless charged if you are using a Restricted Network shared users will also receive energy. This effect only happens while in the same dimension as the Flux Controller. Items are charged using the Flux Plugs connected to the same Network ID as the controller. Flux Plugs are selected according to previous options set (Send and Receive Modes). The controller can charge using both EU and RF.

Protection Options

Protection consists of three modes:


Allows anyone to access the Energy on your Network ID.

Private Allows only the owner of the Flux Plugs/Points/Controller to connect to the network

Restricted Allows the owner and any shared users to connect to the network.


Flux Controller GUI

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