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World Theory

Ollie Lansdell edited this page Apr 17, 2016 · 12 revisions

Lucius Calculus

Two thousand years ago, not actually that far away, in fact right here. One man unearthed a strange Circuit in his Garden, his name was Lucius Calculus. Technology at the time was non existent and he was incredible puzzled. After cleaning the artefact he noticed its strange properties, he found that upon touching some parts he received a shock later to be known as the Electric Shock.

After many years of searching for circuits across the Overworld Calculus managed to find 14 distinct types of circuit. He researched each one diligently and recorded its individual properties. Upon collating his findings he coined 'World Theory'.

World Theory

The simple truth that the entire world is a Machine. Created as an experiment by another race. These circuits were once part of a much bigger system as the world is also an endless power supply waited to be harnessed. However, its true power is unknown. To use this power it must first be stabilised otherwise the core of the world could malfunction, causing some very strange dangerous effects.

The End Sword

Calculus also discovered he could use this unknown power to combine materials from the World to create more advanced tools and machines. He later designed a device to help with the process the Calculator. Through continuous development of his Calculator he became capable of creating the 'End Sword' an unbreakable sword.

The Calculator Locator

Towards the end of his life he started to work on the Calculator Locator, a machine so insanely powerful it had the ability to destroy the entire world. However, Calculus wasn't interested in destruction. Instead he used this power to immortalise himself. As far as we know, Calculus still lives to this day.

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