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Conductor Mast

SonarSonic edited this page May 29, 2015 · 15 revisions

###Usage Conducts lightning; this lightning energy can be exported as Redstone Flux. The lightning energy can also be used to turn a Fire Diamond into an Electric Diamond within the Conductor Mast, this requires the energy of one lightning strike.

Lightning strikes occur about once every 2 minutes; the mast will tell you the Wait Time until the next strike. However, if the Mast doesn’t know it will give you a random message instead.

The Mast has the ability to change the world from Day to Night and vice versa, this requires 10000 LE

Only exports power at the bottom

###Lightning Farms You can increase the frequency and power of lightning strikes with the Transmitter and Weather Station. The Conductor mast only detects Weather Stations within a 10 block radius. It can only detect Transmitters within a 30 block radius.

#####Tips for generating the most power...

  • Patterns don't alter the amount of power you produce but you want to be able to fit as many Weather Stations/Transmitters into the space as possible to increase production.
  • Using a combination of both Weather Stations and Transmitters produces the best results.
  • Transmitters can be used by multiple masts but Weather Stations can only be used by one at a time.

#####Some more configurations...

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