released this
24 Mar 11:00
680 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
This release brings more advanced support for JavaScript built-ins with 8 new rules and 14 improved rules.
- Add 8 new rules: S2486, S2639, S6509, S6522, S6523, S6534, S6535, S6544
- Improve 14 rules: S128, S1121, S1472, S1481, S1534, S1862, S2137, S2138, S3827, S4023, S4275, S4326, S5868, S6324
- Upgrade ESLint to 8.36.0
- Plugin refactoring (new project structure and unification of the JavaScript and TypeScript sensors logic)
Milestone: https://github.com/SonarSource/SonarJS/milestone/69?closed=1
Part of SonarQube 10.0