Examples for setting up a mesos cluster
Tools I personally use on my windows machine:
GitBash: https://git-scm.com/downloads
Vagrant: http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html
PuTTY: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
Virtual Box: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Testbuilds
Try it the easy way:
Take the files in directory "stdbox". This examples uses vagrant boxes with Mesos pre-installed.
Change the vagrantfile to your personal liking (ip address, memory) and "vagrant up"
More extensive explanation:
To try a simple example with 1 Mesos Master and 3 Mesos Slaves:
Start Windows Explorer and go to a directory of your choice.
Right-click "Git Bash Here"
$ git clone https://github.com/SonnyBurnett/mesosexamples.git
First start the Mesos Master:
In Windows Explorer Go to directory "Mesos new"
Right-click "Git Bash Here"
$ vagrant up
Now start the Mesos Slaves one by one by repeating this process
In directories "Mesos Slave 1", "Mesos Slave 2","Mesos Slave 3": vagrant up
Now go to your browser on the host (Windows in my case, I use Chrome)
type in: (if you haven't changed the ip address)
You should see the Mesos interface.
Type in:
You should see the Marathon interface.
Start PuTTY
Log in to the Mesos Master: (or any other ip address if you have changed this in the vagrantfile)
login/password: vagrant/vagrant
$ sudo docker ps
This should show that docker is running, but currently no containers run.
$ sudo docker pull jenkins
This will download a standard Jenkins container from Docker Hub.
$ sudo cd /vagrant/scripts
Make "startmesos.sh" script executable
$ sudo chmod +x startmesos.sh
You might want to copy the json and bash script files to an other directory
$ ./startmesos.sh jenkins
This should start a jenkins container
Go back to your browser on the host.
Type in:
You should now see Jenkins running in a docker container
click on it
This will give you an url with the right port to access Jenkins.
Copy this in another tab in your browser and you should see the jenkins gui
Pretty cool he?
Now try a more advanced example with 3 masters and 3 slaves.