As maintaining road networks is labor-intensive, many au- tomatic road extraction approaches have been introduced to solve this real-world problem, fueled by the abundance of large-scale high-resolution satellite imagery and advances in computer vision. However, their performance is limited for fully automating the road map extraction in real-world ser- vices. Hence, many services employ the two-step human-in- the-loop system to post-process the extracted road maps: er- ror localization and automatic mending for faulty road maps. Our paper exclusively focuses on the latter step, introduc- ing a novel image inpainting approach for fixing road maps with complex road geometries without custom-made heuris- tics, yielding a method that is readily applicable to any road geometry extraction model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on various real-world road geometries, such as straight and curvy roads, T-junctions, and intersections.
We conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis on whether the modifications are effective. We use three metrics, Correctness, Completeness, and Quality, which are widely used in road extraction tasks We choose four random road maps per each road type: Straight, Curvy, T-junction, and Intersection, where the latter three types are known to be challenging for existing post-processing methods. Table 1 shows the performance impact on various modifications: GLCRC being the architectural and GLCRC+L being the training loss modifications. We can clearly observe that our approach shows the best image quality in the road ge- ometry inpainting problem. Furthermore, Figure 1 shows the effectiveness of our method on various road types, implying that it understands underlying road geometries to reconstruct the road location.
The baseline model is GLCIC (GLobally Locally Consistent Image Completion). The paper and source code are in following URL.
Based on the baseline model (GLCIC), several experiments have been conducted. The summary of these experiments are written in confluence page.
Since there are many experiments conducted and each experiment has different target to achieve. Therefore, before running the experiment, following features of the model need to be double checked in the parameter setting code.
- Parallel traininig using multiple GPU
parser.add_argument('--data_parallel', action='store_true', default=False)
- Save model parameter and optimizer for future training resume in designated path
parser.add_argument('--init_model_cn', type=str, default=None) #default='/home/shong/<path>'
parser.add_argument('--init_model_cd', type=str, default=None) #default='/home/shong/<path>'
parser.add_argument('--init_opt_cn', type=str, default=None) #default='/home/shong/<path>'
parser.add_argument('--init_opt_cd', type=str, default=None) #default='/home/shong/<path>'
parser.add_argument('--resume_step', type=int, default=None) #default=4) # resume_step should be the last saved step
- Batch size
parser.add_argument('--bsize', type=int, default=1)
loss function In case the experiment is conducting using different loss function, please double check the used loss function in completion network and context discriminator
In case, resuming the training with previously trained model, check Optimizer is loaded and move to GPU correctly
Python: 3.7.6
torch: 1.9.0 (cuda 11.1)
torchvision: 0.10.0
tqdm: 4.61.1
Pillow: 8.2.0
numpy: 1.19.2
GPU: Geforce GTX 1080Ti (12GB RAM) X 4
Download data
Since we need only geometry images (black road geometry line in white background), get only *_mask.png files and convert to 'black road geometry line in white background' image. For this task, you can use /util/
Put train data into <your_path>/data
The data folder should have 'train', 'val', 'test' subfolders
To train the vanila model,
python <your_path>/data ./result
To train with deep dilated convolution architecture model,
python <your_path>/data ./result
To model with adapted loss functions (for better image quality)
python <your_path>/data ./result
python model_cn config.json images/test_2.jpg test_2_out.jpg