This Machine Learning course is offered by Andrew Ng from Stanford University. This repo contains all assignments (platform Octave) and not quiz's solution but have some lecture notes.
- Course:
- Offered by:
- Instructor:
- My certificate:
- Intorduction to machine learning, supervised, unsupervised learning
- Model and cost function, parameter learning: gradient descent for linear regression
- Linear Algebra review: Matrix, vector, multiplication, inverse, transpose etc.
- [Week 01: N/A]
- Environment setup for octave
- Multivariant linear regression
- Matlab/Octave basic tutorial
- Logistic Regression: classification, hypothesis representation, decision boundary
- Cost function, Advance optimization
- Solving the problem of overfitting, Regularized linear regression
- Neural networks representation: Non-linear hypothesis, model representation
- and it's application
- Neural networks : Cost function and backpropagation: gradient checking, random initialization
- Application of neural networks: Autonomous driving
- Advice for Applying Machine Learning: Evaluating a learning algorithm
- Evaluating hypothesis, model selection
- Train/validation/Test sets
- Bias vs Variance: Diagonalizing, Regularization, Learning curves
- Building a spam classifier, handling skewed data
- Support Vector Machines
- Large margin in classification
- Unsupervised Learning: Clustering: K-means
- Data compression , visualization
- Principle Component analysis(PCA algorithm) and applying PCA
- Anomaly detection, density estimation, gausian distribution
- Learn to build an anomaly detection system
- Recommender system: Content based recommendation
- Collaborative filtering algorithm
- Low rank matrix factorization
- Large Scale Machine Learning
- Gradient descent with large scale datasets, mini-batch gradient descent
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Online learning, map reduce and data parallelization
- [Week 10: N/A]
- Application Example: Photo OCR
- Sliding windows algorithm
- Ceilling analysis: pipeline work
- [Week 11: N/A]