SpamU-for-Windows is windows version of SpamU with the ability to spam any text field. SpamU has ability to spam 500 messages in 105 seconds.
Your text to spam goes in [Text to Spam] text box.
Moreover, You can decide the delay before starting spam(activates after [Star Spam!] button is pressed), number of messages to spam and delay between each text spammed. Safe Mode is not available for windows version of SpamU. You can press ALT + ENTER after the start of spam to stop spamming further.
Default values are used when any parameter text field is left empty.
It is recommended that you have target window and SpamU window in view as you start Spam
Appliction files lie inside App directory.
Path to intended executable is SpamU-for-Windows/App/dist/SpamU/SpamU.exe
Required packages are as:
- tkinter
- customtkinter
- time
- pyautogui
- pyperclip
- keyboard
- pyinstaller (to build .exe file from python files) [optional]
Required packages can be accquired by using this command:
pip install tkinter customtkinter time pyautogui pyperclip keyboard pyinstaller
You need to do ALT + F + S + A
in the directory which has
,and swaggy-trollface-man.ico
to open privilaged powershell terminal in that directory and then paste your version of cmd/script which is as follows:
pyinstaller --noconfirm --onedir --windowed --icon "{directory}/swaggy-trollface-man.ico" --add-data "{directory};." --add-data "C:/Users/{your username}/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python311/Lib/site-packages/customtkinter;customtkinter/" --add-data "{directory}/swaggy-trollface-man.ico;." "{directory}/"
# replace {directory} and {your username} with your own directory where the files are kept, and your own username
SpamU for linux can be found here