A brightly coloured Visual Studio Code theme set on a light red background for dyslexics (with optional astigmatism).
Within code
press ctl/command + shift + p to launch the command palette then run:
ext install dislexic
Below are some recommendations on how to improve your reading experience while using this theme.
Use a font that has simple well formed characters such as JetBrains Mono, I personally use the Nerd Font version.
"editor.fontFamily": "'JetBrainsMono NF', Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace"
A larger font will help when trying to distinguish between letters and reduce some cognitive load.
"editor.fontSize": 18
Increase the gap between lines with line height, 2
gives a good balance with the recommend font.
"editor.lineHeight": 2
Please open an issue to make suggestions.