Using Django Q for asynchronous tasks in your Django Application - Basic
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Create Virtual Environment and install requirements
pip install virtualenv virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip intall -r requirements.txt
Login to heroku and get free heroku redis addon
heroku login heroku create --addons=heroku-redis heroku config:get REDIS_URL Now you will get a REDIS_URL
Pass REDIS_URL as environment variable
export REDIS_URL='redis://your_redis_url
Modify Django Q configuration in file if required
Q_CLUSTER = { 'name': 'your_project_name', 'workers': 8, 'recycle': 500, 'timeout': 60, 'compress': True, 'save_limit': 250, 'queue_limit': 500, 'cpu_affinity': 1, 'label': 'Django Q', 'redis': os.environ.get('REDIS_URL') }
Run servers
python migrate python qcluster
Notice the logs in both the servers and you will find the tasks getting executed asynchronously.
Redis database which is used as cache, holds all the tasks in a queue and then executes it.