herostory is a school project consisting of a story (with multiple protagonists in this version), each of them having alternate storylines with different choices. Technically speaking, the main purpose of this project was to train PHP (mostly), CSS and HTML skills. The only constraint we had was to develop the whole website using only 1 (one) file (index.php), but there were no restrictions about how you'd do it.
I made a first version, but the way I did was too restrictive. There was only a fixed amount of choices (two), a fixed image size, etc. I was using a non-associative array for the story, it was really a pain to modify the version since you had to know the order of each element in the array that contained the page.
I started this V2 from nothing. I took more time to make the styling almost responsive, and give it a little refresh. Although I didn't use a JSON file to load the story from until the end, it was already in my mind because I wanted for someone to be able to load his / her own story, just by following the data structure I used when I developed the website. This way, everyone could come with their JSON file, formatted with my data structure, the files they needed, and poof, everything would load.
It took alot more time than I thought I'd take, but I think that it was a great decision to stop V1, and create V2.