Op's: ⌚💼📡👻 - IPFS Node Site++
Slowly ditching and scrubbing my popular social media channels for a new skin. The name, StackMaster, is not about StackSats...A StackMaster is elected during the setup of a Redundant Stack Array of Cisco Switches. Once configured and booted, the Stack will elect a Master Switch. Through a series of power-cycles and configurations, one can foce the Election and Stack-Order so that the Master sits on top. I started this Git to help contribute to the $SCRT Network and their Python-Ops for DataAnalytics. However, when I'm not contributing to them, I will be working on InfoSec related categories.The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear
Industry Certifications
StackMaster has been operational since x86 & Dos as a "Punk-Kid". Today with 5+ years of a professional track record, he makes his way through technology by securing systems and networks.
- Security+
- Network+
- A+
Repo Lists
We can't build everything ourselves, I am constantly tracking relevant Repo's as they apply to the general industry, the times today, and with relevant use-cases for my current sphere.
- Cryptography - A collection of Cryptographic | Brute-Force Tool-Sets
- Linux - Some useful resources I have found, so far...
- Comms - Communication's Check
- Security - InfoSec Related Tool-Sets
- SmartContract Security - Auditing Techniques, Tools, and Contract Security
- $SCRT Network - Resources for the $SCRT-Network
Future Ops-Projects
Concepts, Ideas, and the overall direction I will be taking this Git
- Overall I am looking to further my knowledge in security via various toolsets.
- You are going to see some Bash scripts first off, followed by Python
- I will eventually reconnect with my foundation in C++ and see what I can brew over there
Git Synopsis
Just Setting Terms
- 🔭 I’m currently working on: The CISSP Certification
- 🌱 I’m currently learning & expanding knowledge in: C++, Python, & Bash
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on and with: The $SCRT Network
- 🤔 I’m looking for help in anyway possible...
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter:
@StackMaster4|| Discord :StackMaster#|| #IRC:Soon