A service accompanied with a LogOutput that tracks all warnings as non-fatal crash reports and all errors as fatal crash reports. This makes use of the Firebase Crashlytics service.
In the pubspec.yaml file under dependencies add
stacked_crashlytics: ^0.1.1
Register the service on to the locator
- If you want to register the service
@StackedApp( dependencies: [ ... LazySingleton(classType: CrashlyticsService), ... ), ], )
- If you are presolving into an async instance, you can use
@StackedApp( dependencies: [ ... Presolve( classType: CrashlyticsService, presolveUsing: CrashlyticsService.getInstance, ), ], )
Note: Don't forget to run
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Add the log Output inside your logger under outputs inside multiple logger output like so
Logger( ... output: MultipleLoggerOutput([ ... CrashlyticsOutput(), ]), );