- My name is Dawid BaraΕski.
- I'm learning web development with various web technologies.
- Looking for my first job.
- Portfolio website: Source Code (deployed)
- Website for a company A&B Line: Source Code (deployed)
- Website for a company Gracomm: deployed
- Hoyoscraper - a web-based client for accessing posts on Hoyolab: Source Code
These are the skills I've learned either alone or in school. I'm always open to learn something new!
- Vue.js 2 & 3, Nuxt.js 2 & 3
- Svelte.js 4 with SvelteKit
- TailwindCSS, Bulma, Bootstrap
- Backend development with PHP, Flask(Python), Express and NestJS(Javascript)
- Python 3
- C/C++
- C#
- Unity, SDL and Raylib game development