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Data Science for Social Good 2021 + Changing Cities Research Lab

Measuring spatial-temporal change of physical conditions in neighborhoods with street view imagery

Team: Daniel Chen, Tingyan Deng, Evelyn Fitzgerald, Lijing Wang


This is the GitHub repository for Stanford DSSG2021 GSV/CCRL Project. Our goal is to use deep convolutional neural networks to identify building upkeep from Google Street View images of urban streetscapes at a large spatial-temporal scale: over 10 years (2007-2017), and across multiple cities (Boston, Detroit, etc.). We also quantitatively analyze relationship between predicted building upkeep conditions and well-being characteristics.

Our report contains a detailed summary of the project.


Make sure you have the relevant packages installed, including PyTorch, Seaborn, and TensorboardX.

You must have a datasets directory in the project root. The directory structure should be as such:

  • datasets/
    • boston/
      • imgs/
      • train.csv
      • val.csv
    • detroit/
      • ...
    • la/
      • ...

The train.csv and val.csv files should each contain a field called trueskill_category, which can take values from 0-3, corresponding to ratings of 1-4, respectively. The code will take care of turning the buckets into labels (i.e. low blight/high blight, no blight/blight, amount blight).

Additionally, the CSV files should contain a field called image_name whose values are the names of the images in the respective imgs/ folder. For instance, if a row in datasets/boston/train.csv has an image_name value of 1234.png, then the code expects there to be an image: datasets/boston/imgs/1234.png.

Finally, create two new, empty directories: exps and tensorboard. The folders are used to store the experiment info and the Tensorboard logs, respectively, for the experiments you run.

Quick Run

Once you have everything set up, type in this command to train the best model so far:

python --name transform_det_bos --label_type regr --l2 0 --gpu --epochs 50 --upsample --cities detroit boston --transform piecewise_linear detroit

You will find the experiment metadata in exps/transform_det_bos, model checkpoints in exps/transform_det_bos/checkpoints, and Tensorboard logs in tensorboard/transform_det_bos.

To run the previous best model (built by Shubhang Desai), the following command can be used:

python --upsample --name det_best --label_type pa --l2 0 --gpu

You will find the experiment metadata in exps/det_best, model checkpoints in exps/det_best/checkpoints, and Tensorboard logs in tensorboard/det_best.


Train a model using the script. There are a number of command line arguments you can adjust:

  • name (required): Name of the experiment, used to create a subdirectory in exps and tensorboard.
  • label_type: Used to turn the trueskill_category into a label. Can be one of:
    • lh: For "low/high", i.e. 0 if trueskill_category == (0, 1) else 1
    • pa: For "presence/absence", i.e. 0 if trueskill_category == 0 else 1
    • mc: For "multiclass", i.e. 0 if trueskill_category == (0, 1); 1 if trueskill_category == 2; and 2 trueskill_category == 3
    • regr: For "regression", i.e. use the TrueSkill score ('score' column) directly as label for regression
  • batch_size: Batch size for the data loaders
  • epochs or -e: The number of epochs to run (default: 100)
  • lr: Learning rate for the optimizer
  • l2: L2 regularization weight
  • weighted: Whether or not to use class weights (i.e. higher weighted loss for instances that belong to low-count classes)
  • upsample: Whether or not to upsample data (i.e. repeat instances from low-count classes so that all classes "appear balanced" during training). If the label type is regr, then samples are upsampled by the inverse frequency of the binned TrueSkill score (with 10 bins)
  • add_bos: Whether or not to add the Boston images
  • pretrain: If this is set to true, then the script will train a segmentation model on the Cityscapes dataset--more on this below
  • pretrain_path: If this is not None, then the script will load a pretrained segmentation model from this path and fine-tune its encoder as the classifier for the buildings task.
  • gpu: Whether or not to use GPU
  • data_path: Custom datasets directory location, if it is not underneath the project root. The value passed in replaces the project root, i.e. if the data is under /home/users/datasets, then '/home/users/' would be passed to this argument.
  • cities: Which cities (subdirectories of datasets besides cityscapes, exps, tensorboard, or test) to include in the training and validation sets for this run. This option overrides add_bos if included.
  • score_transform: Applies a custom score transformation onto the regression labels to align across cities. Can be:
    • piecewise_linear [base city name]: Uses a piecewise linear transformation based on each city's class boundaries (for more details, see the 'Piecewise Linear Score Alignment Model Memo'). All cities' scores are aligned to the base city, i.e. piecewise_linear detroit would align all scores to the TrueSkill scores in Detroit.


Pre-training a model on the Cityscapes dataset is simple. Make sure to have the dataset loaded and unzipped in the datasets/cityscapes folder, with the folders of images (by city) in a subdirectory called imgs and the folders of masks (by city) in a subdirectory called masks. Then, simply run a command as such:

python --name pretrain_lr4e-3_nol2 --pretrain --l2 0 --gpu --lr 4e-3

The pre-trained model can then be consumed by the train script again, this time to fine-tune on the buildings dataset. For example, running python with --pretrain_path pretrain_lr4e-3_nol2 will use the model trained by the above command.


Train a model using the script. The script will automatically load the model with experiment name name and perform evaluation on a few images. The script takes only two arguments:

  • name (required): Name of the experiment, used to create a subdirectory in exps and tensorboard.
  • num_preds: The number of predictions to perform from the validation set.
  • data_path: Custom datasets directory location, if it is not underneath the project root. The value passed in replaces the project root, i.e. if the data is under /home/users/datasets, then '/home/users/' would be passed to this argument.
  • city: Which city (subdirectory of datasets besides cityscapes, exps, tensorboard, or test) to include in the training and validation sets for this run. This option overrides add_bos if included. Unlike the cities option for, this takes only one city.
  • time_series: If included, the program will operate in time series mode. In time series mode, the program reads the dataset description from time_series.csv instead of val.csv and writes output to pred.csv.


Use the script to generate and save Grad-CAMs from the classification models you have trained. The model with name name will be loaded and the entire validation dataset will be iterated through. Depending on whether or not the prediction is a TP, FP, TN, or FN, an image of the example with the overlayed CAM will be saved to [outdir]/{tp, fp, tn, fn}. Here is an example command to get the CAMs:

python --name example_exp

Map Visualization

To visualize the prediction results on the map (by block group, or other geoid), use the plot_map() function in notebooks/visualize_timeseries.ipynb.

This function is designed to plot the timeseries predictions of a specific city, with a slider to view predictions across years. The function takes in a dataframe with geoid, predictions (or other output variable), a time variable (e.g. year), and the block shapes (from a .shp file) to plot on the map.

For more documentation, see the notebooks/visualize_timeseries.ipynb notebook.


DSSG 2021 GSV project






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

