Lib for getting schedule data from Yandex.Rasp API:
from yaschedule.core import YaSchedule
TOKEN = 'some string'
yaschedule = YaSchedule(TOKEN)
See more at requests_cache docs
print(yaschedule.session.settings.expire_after) # get particular cache setting
yaschedule.session.settings.expire_after = 600 # set particular cache setting
print(yaschedule.session.settings) # get all cache settings as object of <class 'requests_cache.policy.settings.CacheSettings'>
print({ a : getattr(yaschedule.session.settings, a) for a in dir(yaschedule.session.settings) if not a.startswith('_') }) # get all cache settings as dict
# get all stations in json
yaschedule.get_all_stations() # !!! The size of the returned data is about 40 MB
# cities and stations codes from yaschedule.get_all_stations()
city_1 = 'c213' # Moscow
city_2 = 'c2' # Saint-Petersburg
station_1 = 's9600366' # Pulkovo
station_2 = 's9600213' # Sheremetevo
# get station schedule
# get schedule between two stations
yaschedule.get_schedule(from_station=station_1, to_station=station_2)
# get schedule between two cities
yaschedule.get_schedule(from_station=city_1, to_station=city_2)
# get schedule between city and station
yaschedule.get_schedule(from_station=city_1, to_station=station_1)
# u can also specify other request params of request
# transport_type by default get all transport types
yaschedule.get_schedule(from_station=city_1, to_station=city_2, transport_types='train')
yaschedule.get_schedule(from_station=city_1, to_station=city_2, transport_types='plane')
# transfers by default: False
yaschedule.get_schedule(from_station=city_1, to_station=city_2, transfers=True)