This is a Doom "wad" parser. Just for fun and to learn stuff.
If you'd like to find out what this is all about:
The parser has been tested with the Doom 1 wad file and should be compatible to the Doom 2 format as well.
In it's current state, the parser can extract information about the following types of wad-specific data:
- end game text "ENDOOM"
- palettes
- colormaps
- graphics like "M_DOOM" or "STFST11"
- sprites like "BOSSA1"
- sprite groups like "BOSS" (all sprites)
- sprite group subsets for specific rotations like "BOSSA1, BOSSB1, etc."
- flats like "FLOOR0_1"
- PC Speaker sound effects
- stuctured access to levels and the respective lumps (no data yet)
var wad: Wad
do {
let parser = try WadParser(filePath: "/path/to/example.wad")
wad = try parser.parse()
} catch {
// handle error
let palettes = wad.palettes
let normalPalette = palettes?.default
let exitTextLump: WadLumpColoredText? = wad.lump(
named: "ENDOOM",
in: .exitText
let exitText = exitTextLump?.content(
) as? WadColoredText
// low level access to any kind of graphic
let allGraphics =
let allSprites = wad.sprites
let genericGraphic = wad.graphic(named: "M_DOOM")
let pictureGraphic = wad.graphic(named: "M_DOOM") as? WadGraphicPicture
let flatGraphic = wad.graphic(named: "FLOOR0_1") as? WadGraphicFlat
let spriteGraphic = wad.graphic(named: "BOSSA1") as? WadGraphicSprite
// convencience methods
let sprite = wad.sprite(named: "BOSSA1")
// sprite groups
let group = wad.spriteGroup(named: "BOSS")
// get all sprites starting with the prefix "BOSS"
let group = wad.spriteGroup(named: "BOSS")
// filter group by rotation "1"
let groupRot1 = group?.groupFor(rotation: 1)
// get a CGRect that encloses all frames, origin respects graphic offsets
let enclosingFrame = groupRot1?.enclosingFrame