Steveplays.Kraber9K is a Northstar mod made for Kraber9K servers, which gives the kraber infinite ammo.
- Go to the Thunderstore mod page
- Press "Install with mod manager"
- Download the latest release from GitHub or Thunderstore
- Unzip
- Drag the unzipped folder into
Q: is this mod compatible with Thunderstore?
A: Yes, see the badge at the top of the repository.
Q: is this mod server side or client side?
A: This mod is required on both the server side and the client side. See the badges at the top of the repository.
- Port mod to Thunderstore (completed on 11/02/2022)
- Display infinity symbol on the kraber's physical ammo counter (ETA: unknown)
If you've found a bug or want to make a suggestions, feel free to open an issue!
I will respond as soon as I can.
Feel free to contact me via any of these platforms, I respond quite quickly :)