RPS Clash is a web-based Rock Paper Scissors game that allows users to play against a computer opponent. The objective of the game is to defeat the computer by choosing the winning move in each round.
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Deployed at RPS Clash
- Play Rock Paper Scissors against the computer.
- Real-time scoring system to keep track of user and computer scores.
- Animated bomb confetti when the user wins a round.
- Round counter to show the current round number.
- Dark mode and light mode theme toggle.
- Fully responsive design for optimal viewing on different devices.
- React.js: Front-end library for building user interfaces.
- Next.js: A framework for building server-rendered React applications.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language.
- Howler.js: A JavaScript library for handling audio and sound effects.
- HTML5 Canvas: For creating the animated bomb confetti effect.
Follow these steps to run the game locally on your machine:
Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/SudoKMaar/rps-clash.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd rps-clash
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to play the game.
- When you open the game, you will see the "RPS Clash" banner and a "Click me to start" link.
- Click the link to start the game.
- You will see the game view with two controller buttons for "Rock," "Paper," and "Scissors."
- Click on your preferred move (Rock, Paper, or Scissors) to make your selection.
- The computer will randomly choose its move.
- The winner of the round will be determined based on the rules of Rock Paper Scissors.
- The round number and scores will be updated accordingly.
- An animated bomb confetti will appear if you win a round.
- The game will continue until you decide to reset or exit.
- User Score: The number of rounds won by the user.
- PC Score: The number of rounds won by the computer.
- Equal: The number of rounds that resulted in a tie.
- Use the theme toggle button to switch between light mode and dark mode.
- Click the reset button to start a new game and reset the scores.
The game is released under the MIT License.