Install package: npm install @suia/suibox
Usage example:
import { SuiboxContract } from '@suia/suibox';
import { devnetConnection, Ed25519Keypair, JsonRpcProvider, RawSigner } from '@mysten/sui.js';
async function main(): Promise<void> {
// init connection and signer
const connection = devnetConnection;
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(connection);
const keypairseed = process.env.KEY_PAIR_SEED;
const keypair = Ed25519Keypair.fromSecretKey(Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(keypairseed!, 'hex')));
const signer = new RawSigner(keypair, provider);
// publish a new suibox contract
const suiboxContract = await SuiboxContract.publish(signer);
// you can also specify an existing suibox contract with the function below
// const suiboxContract = new Contract(packageId, signer);
// create a new suibox
const suibox = await suiboxContract.createSuibox({
name: 'suibox name',
description: 'suibox description',
image_url: 'suibox image url',
layout: '9-box grid',
// list all suiboxes owned by the signer
const suiboxes = await suiboxContract.listSuiboxes();
// add an nft to the suibox
await suibox.add({ objectId: nft.objectId }, position);
// list all nfts in the suibox
const nftsAfterAddNFT = await suibox.listNFTs();
// extract the nft from the suibox
await suibox.extract(nftTypestruct, position);