Here is a working nefis2nc repo that based on rustychirs' works: https://github.com/rustychris/stompy/tree/master that aims to replace vs_trih2nc.m and vs_trim2nc.m using Python.
This project is mainly focused on converting Delft3D-FLOW trih and trim output into more organised netcdf files. The trih2nc.py aims to create a netcdf file as close as possible to the output of vs_trih2nc.m, while the trim2nc do the same for vs_trim2nc.m.
Tech stacks:
For now the working codes are:
- trih2nc.py
- trim2nc.py
- listener.py
- Install every dependencies needed inside Conda environment, see conda method.
- Go to listener.py, make sure your folder contain Delft3D output, then edit variable as you wishes:
folder_path = "D:/Sea4cast/Sea4cast/Delft3D-sample/For Hengkek/Sample setup and simulation"
output_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests/testdata/")
- In your terminal or any possible executable ways, run
python listener.py
- Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are created in such a way that you don't need to build environment by yourself, all you need is to run docker's command.
- After cloning this repo, in your terminal simply run:
docker-compose up -d # Start the containers in the background
docker exec -it nefis2nc /bin/bash # Attach to the container's terminal
- After entering docker container:
root@7e8c9bfe1c7a:/app# ls
Dockerfile docker-compose.yml stompy2 trih2nc.py trim_matplot_class.py
Dockerfile-window libs test.py trih_matplot_class.py whls
README.md requirements.txt testdata trim2nc.py
root@7e8c9bfe1c7a:/app# python trih2nc.py datfile deffile outputfile
No handlers could be found for logger "utils"
/app/stompy2/stompy/model/delft/nefis_nc.py:93: FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
NetCDF file has been created.
- python 2.7 installed on window machine/linux machine
- conda installed
The original stompy repo only supports 'libnefis.so' which works on linux machines, If you are using window machine, you can attach the nefis.dll file so it works on your end. We can modify the load_nef_lib function in stompy repo to create magics.
Best to run this script in conda environment if without Docker, to setup the env run 'nefis2nc.bat' on your window machine:
You may open the batch script with editor to see the manual steps to setup conda env, you need to open cmd.exe for 'nefis2nc' directory:
conda create --name nefis2nc python=2.7
conda activate nefis2nc
cd stompy
call pip install -e .
cd ..
for %%I in (whls\*.whl) do (
pip install %%I
conda install --yes scipy
conda install --yes autopep8