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NodeJS - React - Global Coronavirus (COVID-19) Map - Web Application [Year of Development: 2020]

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NodeJS - React - Global Coronavirus (COVID-19) Map with Google Maps - Web Application [Year of Development: 2020]

About the application technologies and operation:


  • Programming Language: NodeJS
  • FrontEnd Side: React (^13.13.1)
  • BackEnd Side: NodeJS (^10.16.3)
  • Descriptive Language: HTML5
  • Style Description Language: CSS
  • Other used modul FrontEnd Side:
    • react (^16.13.1)
    • react-dom (^16.13.1)
    • react-google-maps (^9.4.5)
    • react-scripts (^3.4.1)
    • yarn (^1.22.4)
  • Other used modul BackEnd Side:
    • axios (^0.19.2)
    • cors (^2.8.5)
    • cron (^1.8.2)
    • cross-env (^7.0.2)
    • csv-parse (^4.8.8)
    • express (^4.17.1)
    • moment (^2.24.0)

Installation/ Configuration:

  1. Restore necessary node_modules, so run the following command in GIT Bash Console in the application COVID19MAP-Client and COVID19MAP-Server root directory

    - npm install
  2. Restore necessary application packages and dependencies, so run the following command in GIT Bash Console in the application COVID19MAP-Client root directory

    - yarn install
  3. Start the application server side on 3001 PORT, so run the following command in GIT Bash Console in the application COVID19MAP-Server root directory

    - cross-env PORT=3001 nodemon
  4. If the nodemon bach command not found, run the following command in GIT Bash Console in the application COVID19MAP-Server root directory

    - npm install -g nodemon
  5. Start the application client side, so run the following command in GIT Bash Console in the application COVID19MAP-Client root directory

    - npm start
  6. Insert your Google API Key. If you are running the application in an installed environment, you will need to specify the following environment variable REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY and its associated Google Maps API Key. If you are running the application on localhost, you will need to enter your Google Maps API Key in the line below (src/core/components/App/App.js line: 157).

     googleMapURL = {`${process.env.REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY || 'YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY'}`}
  7. If you are running the application for the first time, you need to invoke the following server method, for example, from a Postman web client (in order not to wait an hour). This method initializes the required data. If you are not using on localhost, of course insert the correct path!:


Data Sources:

The map is based on multiple sources (see below for details). If you are interested, the integrated dataset can be found here. Note that numbers in different data sources may not match with each other exactly.

The application uses the following data set as the data source (Based on data provided by Johns Hopkins University (JHU)):

The data source is queried hourly, today's data set. If this is not found, yesterday's data set will be downloaded and processed, so it is important to point out that in most cases the SYSTEM ONLY WORKS FROM YEARYESTERDAY'S DATA.

Attention: The last data set tested is April 14, 2020. If the structure of the data source has changed, the application will not work properly! In this case, paste the following line into the data-management.js file so that the application works from the surely running April 14, 2020 data that can be used to test the application.

const DATA_URL = '';

I cite data sources according to the data sources listed in the GitHub repository published by Johns Hopkins University (JHU) (I made the summons on April 14, 2020

"Data Sources:

I also quote the following about the Github account provided by Johns Hopkins University (JHU) (I made the summons on April 14, 2020

"Terms of Use:

This GitHub repo and its contents herein, including all data, mapping, and analysis, copyright 2020 Johns Hopkins University, all rights reserved, is provided to the public strictly for educational and academic research purposes. The Website relies upon publicly available data from multiple sources, that do not always agree. The Johns Hopkins University hereby disclaims any and all representations and warranties with respect to the Website, including accuracy, fitness for use, and merchantability. Reliance on the Website for medical guidance or use of the Website in commerce is strictly prohibited."

About the application:

  • The purpose of the web application is to present the COVID-19 Total Confirmed and Confirmed Cases by Province/State/Dependency for worldwide, COVID-19 Total Deaths and Death Numbers by Province/State/Dependency for worldwide and COVID-19 Total Recovered and Recovered Numbers by Province/State/Dependency for worldwide.
  • The surface consists of 3 parts:
    • The left column contains the numbers Total Confirmed and Confirmed Cases by Province/State/Dependency for worldwide.
    • The middle column contains the visual appearance.
    • The right column contains Total Deaths and Death Numbers by Province/State/Dependency for worldwide and Total Recovered and Recovered Numbers by Province/State/Dependency for worldwide.
  • For visual appearance, we use Google Maps provided by Google.
  • The visual display:
    • Based on the data received from the server side, based on the Latitude and Longitude for each Confirmed Cases, a red circle is displayed on the map.
    • The diameter of the circle is calculated by a simple logarithm. We multiply the logarithm of the number of confirmed cases for a given case by an arbitrary number that will result in a magnification of the circle.
  • Magnified on the map, after an appropriate Zoom size, the Label for the circle is displayed, which contains the Name of the Marker for Latitude and Longitude, the number of confirmed cases, the number of deaths and the number of recovered.
    • If you make the Zoom size smaller, this Label will disappear.
    • NOTE: Circles appearing on the map are locations based on the "Province-Country" ID, not all locations with a "combinedKey" ID as defined by the reporting organization, as they are for drawing Labels the map would be impenetrable].
  • If you click on an item in the Confirmed Cases list, Focus will move to that circle on the Map, and the numbers and items in the Total Deaths, Deaths List, Total Recovered, Recovered List will be the values for that location.
  • You can change the selections as you like, as the selected item will be displayed in a different color.
  • If you click on the selected item again, the selection will be deselected, the data will be reset to all data.
  • Data is updated hourly:
    • From the previously mentioned data source, it is queried hourly, today's data set. If this is not found, yesterday's data set will be downloaded and processed, so it is important to point out that in most cases the SYSTEM ONLY WORKS FROM YEARYESTERDAY'S DATA.
    • Because the data is constantly updated and each block is updated separately, each block has a Loading Screen that is displayed until the data is downloaded!

Attention: The last data set tested is April 14, 2020. If the structure of the data source has changed, the application will not work properly! In this case, paste the following line into the data-management.js file so that the application works from the surely running April 14, 2020 data that can be used to test the application.

const DATA_URL = '