A slackbot for managing daily scrum
- Django 2.0.7
- Python 3.6.5
- Django Rest Framework 3.8.2
Install python 3.6
apt-get update
apt-get install python3.6
Once it is installed, you can verify the installed version by executing the following command
python3 -V
Create a virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 venv
Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Migrate database
./manage.py migrate
Create superuser:
./manage.py createsuperuser
Run app:
./manage.py runserver
Run unittest:
./manage.py test
Creating your ngrok tunnel for testing your slack app:
- Download and install ngrok here https://ngrok.com/download
- After installing run ./ngrok http <port_number> on your terminal to start connecting to the ngrok tunnel.
- Copy the link given and use it as the <domain_name> for your app's slash commands. e.g. http://9b39ffec.ngrok.io
Setting up slack slash commands:
Command for creating scrum reports https://<domain_name>/api/scrum/
Command for updating scrum reports https://<domain_name>/api/scrum/update/
Setup bot to gain access to private channels:
Generate a legacy token for your slack app here https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens
Setup local_settings.py:
DEBUG = True
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': , 'USERNAME': } }
SLACK_API_TOKEN = <your workspace app's token>