No database version <link>
MySQL Database version <link>
Android Apk version <link>
changes from the previous version:
3 config files are added:
- pom.xml ---> Maven configuration file atomaticaly generated and then two dependencies were added:
- mysql
- hibernate
- Hibernate.cfg.xml --> Hibernate configuration file. Created manually and placed into the /src/main/resources directory
- Persistence.cfg.xml --> JPA configuration file. Created manually and placed into the /src/main/resources/META-INF directory
2 new classes were added:
class HiberDogFood --> mapping Entity class with Annotations
class FoodTableManager --> for managing database CRUD operations using EntityManagerFactory interface for persistence Unit named in persistence.xml
class removed.
class removed.
class removed.
The rest of the files were renamed by adding "HiberJpa" to the beginning of each name. The main class has name MainHiberJpaClassDog and just a
- little changes inside the code.