Releases: Swirrl/grafter
Releases · Swirrl/grafter
- Upgrade RDF4j to 3.1.4
- Upgrade beanutils (transitive dep of RDF4j) to avoid CVE-2014-0114 / CVE-2019-10086
- Exclude Apache Commons Compress from exported dependencies. Grafter doesn't use this itself, but it is a transitive dep of
. Commons Compress has some CVEs which might cause false positives to be flagged by vulnerability scans in downstream consumers.
- Make lang-strings implement comparable
- Add
predicate - Fix cljs tests
- Don't raise an NPE if the SPARQL server fails to yield a valid http response.
- Add new binary-format? predicate to test if an RDF format is binary
- Add some extra type hints to make it easier to use from graal native-image
- Relax pre condition when adding data to SPARQL connection to allow an empty sequence of triples to be added.
There is one new feature provided by Andrew Mcveigh, which is that we now include an API and clojure DSL for building SPARQL property paths.
The DSL syntax covers the whole property path spec, and we provide some illustrative examples ported into our DSL syntax from the W3C SPARQL 1.1 spec examples into our DSL in our tests.
These paths can then also be substituted into grafter.rdf4j.sparql/query
queries as a predicate binding.
There are two interfaces to build paths, either via standard clojure function calls, or via a thin macro layer that is syntactically almost identical to the paths in the W3C spec. Additionally the macro provides compile time syntax checking of the property path grammer.