This marks the initial implementation of Tailwind CSS in an experimental repository. As we transition to working on the production app, the README includes comprehensive steps for learning and following the setup.
Follow these steps to set up the production app locally:
Ensure the following tools are installed on your machine:
- Node.js
- npm (included with Node.js)
- Tailwind CSS
Clone the repository:
git clone
npm i eslint vite-plugin-eslint eslint-config-react-app --save-dev
Add [filename].jsx: Initial version of the header component Update README with additional info
1.Basic structure setup 2.File struture 3.code landing page layout sturture with advance Routing logic a.Routing ,using navigation loader and action to run logic 2.styling with resposive Tailwind css a.React Reuse componets 3.Implementing unit Test a.using jest