Associate director & Head of SEO @ SEO/SEA/SMA agency Eskimoz. SylvainL on Twitter/X
- Lyon, France
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getPercentDiff.js 1javascript:(function() { console.log("[SC Calculator by Natzir & Sylvain / @natzir9 @SylvainL]"); function processTable() { const xpath = "//table[@class='i3WFpf']"; const tables = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (let i = 0; i < tables.snapshotLength; i++) { const table = tables.snapshotItem(i); const secondHeader = table.querySelector("tr > :nth-child(2)"); if (secondHeader && secondHeader.querySelector("br")) { processTableElement(table); } } } function processTableElement(table) { let rows = table.querySelectorAll("tr"); let firstDataRow = rows[1]; if (firstDataRow && (firstDataRow.querySelector(":nth-child(4) > span > span > span") || firstDataRow.querySelector(":nth-child(7) > span > span > span"))) { return; } for (let i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) { let row = rows[i]; let clicksLast = row.cells[1].getAttribute('data-numeric-value'); let clicksPrevious = row.cells[2].getAttribute('data-numeric-value'); let clicksDifference = row.cells[3].getAttribute('data-numeric-value'); let impressionsLast = row.cells[4].getAttribute('data-numeric-value'); let impressionsPrevious = row.cells[5].getAttribute('data-numeric-value'); let impressionsDifference = row.cells[6].getAttribute('data-numeric-value'); let clickTotal = clicksPrevious; let impressionTotal = impressionsPrevious; let clickPercentage = getPercentage(clicksDifference, clickTotal); let impressionPercentage = getPercentage(impressionsDifference, impressionTotal); let clickSpan = row.querySelector(":nth-child(4) > span > span"); let impressionSpan = row.querySelector(":nth-child(7) > span > span"); let clickPercentageSpan = document.createElement("span"); let impressionPercentageSpan = document.createElement("span"); clickPercentageSpan.innerText = ` (${clickPercentage})`; impressionPercentageSpan.innerText = ` (${impressionPercentage})`; if (!isNaN(parseFloat(clickPercentage)) || clickPercentage === "+∞%") { = clickPercentage.startsWith("-") ? "red" : "green"; } if (!isNaN(parseFloat(impressionPercentage)) || impressionPercentage === "+∞%") { = impressionPercentage.startsWith("-") ? "red" : "green"; } clickSpan.appendChild(clickPercentageSpan); impressionSpan.appendChild(impressionPercentageSpan); } } function getPercentage(difference, total) { if (total === 0 || total === "0") { return "+∞%"; } if (difference === 0 || difference === "0") { return "-"; } return ((difference / total) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"; } function processSummary() { let metrics = [ { title: ["Clics totales", "Total clicks", "Nombre total de clics"], identifier: "toggle_0" }, { title: ["Impresiones totales", "Total impressions", "Nombre total d%27impressions"], identifier: "toggle_1" }, { title: ["CTR medio", "Average CTR", "CTR moyen"], identifier: "toggle_2" }, { title: ["Posición media", "Average position", "Position moyenne"], identifier: "toggle_3", isPosition: true } ]; metrics.forEach(metric => { let element = document.querySelector(`span[data-guidedhelpid=%27${metric.identifier}%27]`); if (element) { let parent = element.closest(".RveJvd.snByac"); if (parent) { let values = parent.querySelectorAll(".nnLLaf.CJvxcd"); if (values.length === 2) { let currentValue = parseValue(values[0].getAttribute("title")); let previousValue = parseValue(values[1].getAttribute("title")); let difference = metric.isPosition ? previousValue - currentValue : currentValue - previousValue; let percentageDifference = getPercentageDifference(difference, previousValue, metric.isPosition); let span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerText = ` (${percentageDifference})`; = percentageDifference.startsWith("-") ? (metric.isPosition ? "green" : "red") : (metric.isPosition ? "red" : "green"); values[0].appendChild(span); } } } }); } function parseValue(value) { return parseFloat(value.replace("k", "").replace("mil", "").replace(",", ".").replace("%C2%A0", "").replace("%", "")); } function getPercentageDifference(difference, previous, isPosition = false) { if (previous === 0) { return difference > 0 ? "+∞%" : "-∞%"; } let percentage = (difference / previous) * 100; if (isPosition) { percentage = -percentage; } return percentage.toFixed(2) + "%"; } const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { if (mutation.addedNodes && mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++) { if (mutation.addedNodes[i].nodeType === 1 && (mutation.addedNodes[i].querySelector(".i3WFpf") || mutation.addedNodes[i].matches(".i3WFpf"))) { processTable(); processSummary(); } } } }); }); const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true }; observer.observe(document.body, config); processTable(); processSummary();})();
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