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Dependencies for WebSphere servers when using ASD

Mat Davis edited this page Dec 5, 2019 · 1 revision

As of TADDM 7.2.2 FP2, when discovering distributed WebSphere the runtime process is not attached to the WebSphere server while discovering with ASD (asynchronous script-based discovery). This results in no relationships to or from the WebSphere servers. I have written a small script to stitch together a WebSphere server with it's runtime process. This script should be considered beta code and you can use it at your own risk.

You must run the script on each individual computer system where you want to do the stitching. Download wasrtp.jy and place it under $COLLATION_HOME/custom (create the 'custom' directory if necessary). Here is sample usage.

./wasrtp.jy -H

With each fix pack installed, check to see if this functionality has been added and if so, discontinue use of this script.

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