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Discovery Management Console

Mat Davis edited this page Nov 25, 2019 · 1 revision

Running signed JNLP with local files

This tip can be used to help troubleshoot problems with running the Discovery Management Console (Java JNLP) or can potentially be used as a workaround if the console is not working for you. For instance, if you are seeing while attempting to run the console.

  1. Download the signed jars dist/lib/sign/*.jar from the TADDM server to your workstation.

  2. Click the Start Discovery Management Console button on the TADDM splash screen and download the confignia.jnlp file to the same directory where you downloaded the sign jars.

  3. Edit confignia.jnlp and change the codebase at the top (line 3) to codebase="file:/C:/cmdb/dist/lib/sign" using your disk location where you have downloaded the jar and jnlp files.

  4. Open the Configure Java dialog (javaws -viewer), click on the Security tab. Click "Edit Site List...". Add location "file:/" to the list. You might see a warning, ignore it.

  5. Still in Configure Java, on the General tab, click View... button. Delete any cached TADDM applications. Close Configure Java.

  6. Double click your edited confignia.jnlp to launch. You might see some warnings and prompts. Click through all of those to launch the console.

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