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Purge Change History

Mat Davis edited this page Nov 6, 2019 · 1 revision

Purge Change History for TADDM 7.2.2+ and 7.3+

Release Information

Product: TADDM Purge Change History Script
Release Number: beta
Release Date: January, 2019

What's New

  • Added chunking logic for CHANGE_CAUSE_TABLE


TADDM keeps track of all changes to Configuration Items (CIs) through a change history table in the database. As the system ages, this change history can build to levels that affect server and database performance. It is a best practice to purge old change history on a regular basis. This script helps automate that process.

After familiarizing yourself with the script, it is recommended that you set up a scheduled task once a week to purge change history older than 60 days. You can adjust this schedule and purge window according to your own requirements.

The script breaks up the the delete into chunks of 300k rows by default to avoid database log space issues. This value may need to be adjusted for your environment by editing the script.

Installation Notes

System Requirements

  • TADDM and
  • Tested with DB2 and Oracle back-end


  • It is recommended to do a database backup before testing the script
  • This script locks tables so do not run discovery or ITIC while purging change history


  1. Download purge_change_history.jy and if TADDM is on Windows download purge_change_history.bat. Copy purge_change_history.jy to the dist/custom directory on the primary storage server or domain server. Create dist/custom if it does not exist. For Windows, also copy purge_change_history.bat.
  2. For Non-Windows, change the user rights on the file with the following command:
    chmod 754 purge_change_history.jy
  3. Run purge_change_history.jy/.bat with no arguments to see usage (the first run might be slow b/c all the jython libraries need to load)

Note: You do NOT need to restart TADDM for this to take affect. In fact the script can be run even when TADDM is stopped though the database must be running.

Manifest This release consists of the following items:

  • README (this file)
  • Jython script (purge_change_history.jy)
  • Batch wrapper script (purge_change_history.bat)

Known Problems and Workarounds

  1. Discovery or ITIC errors occur while purging change history
    A) This script locks tables so do not run discovery or ITIC while purging change history
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