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v7.2.2 to v7.3 Upgrade

Mat Davis edited this page Nov 21, 2019 · 1 revision

DB2 SQLCODE=-1406 error occurs during migration from 7.2.2

You may see an error similar to the following occur during migration from 7.2.2 when using DB2 on the back-end.

CTJOT0059E The SQL procedure cannot be run: call sysproc.admin_cmd ('load from (SELECT OBJREF_X, XMLDOCUMENT(XMLELEMENT(NAME "xml", XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(NAME "attribute", XMLATTRIBUTES(''taddm_global'' AS "category", ATTRNAME AS "name"), ATTRVALUE OPTION NULL ON NULL)))) AS XMLVALUE FROM (SELECT UD.OBJREF_X, Q.ATTRNAME, Q.ATTRVALUE, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY UD.OBJREF_X, Q.ATTRNAME) ranking FROM '||trim(user)||'.USERDATA AS UD,TABLE (VALUES(''D5078690BB2F3DA18E5C05FA7403D9D3-0'',''EAName1'', UD.userAttr1_X),(''D5078690BB2F3DA18E5C05FA7403D9D3-0'',''EAName2'', UD.userAttr2_X)) AS Q(METAREF, ATTRNAME, ATTRVALUE) WHERE UD.PK__METAREF_X = Q.METAREF and Q.ATTRVALUE is not null) where ranking = 1 GROUP BY OBJREF_X) of cursor insert into ' ||trim(user)||'.EA_DATA_TMP(OBJREF, EAVALUE) nonrecoverable'). Exception: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-1406, SQLSTATE= , SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=3.64.106.

Here is the link to the error details in DB2.

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