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Discovering Batch Jobs (on Windows)

Mat Davis edited this page Nov 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Discovering Batch Jobs (on Windows)

Occasionally there are batch jobs that run on a system that are discovery targets. For Windows, this takes the form of a Scheduled Task. The following Windows computer system template will query the Windows Scheduled Tasks and discover executables that are set up to run via a scheduled task.

Please note the following:

  • This has only been tested on Windows 2008 and Windows 2003.
  • Only scheduled tasks that are not disabled will be discovered.
  • For Windows 2008, the tasks are organized into folders. Only the top level folder (\) is searched.
  • Only the first match of a task is used to create the component. If more than one task matches the executable then the others are ignored. At most one component per system is created for a matching executable.
  • AppServer CIs are created for each task found.
  • The seed IP address (the IP address targeted for discovery and shown in the UI) will be used as the bind address for the server.

Installation Notes

System Requirements
- This was only tested on 7.2.2, but should run on 7.2.1


  1. Download and copy the files below to the TADDM dist directory on the discovery server.

  2. The computer system template is not enabled by default. To enable the template, open the 'Computer Systems' section in the discovery UI, find the WindowsComputerSystemTemplate and set to enabled.

  3. Edit etc/templates/commands/WindowsComputerSystemTemplate and add the following line

  4. Edit dist\etc\templates\ and list the executables to discover, in the same format as the forcedServerList in

NOTE: You do not need to restart the TADDM server.

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