- You can download the last version:
- You can also see a live demo here
Create a blank main.js
Finally, Create a index.html
file with the following content
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="myChart"></div>
<script src="simple-time-chart.js"></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>
The ChartContainer will contain all your charts.
let chartContainer = new SimpleTimeChart.ChartContainer(
"myChart", // Div ID of the containing the chart
800, // Width of the chart
70, // Axis Tickness
color: "#D0D0D0", // Color of axis text
backgroundColor: "#292F33" // Background of the container
The Chart will be inside the ChartContainer. A ChartContainer can have several Charts that will share the same time axis
let chart = chartContainer.newChart(
500 // height of the Chart
let secondChart = chartContainer.newChart(300);
let volumeChart = chartContainer.newChart(100);
For now there are 3 types of layers: CandleStickLayer
, LineLayer
, BandLayer
NB: Style in layers is optional
// Get data we will use for the demo
let data = [{"date":1546300800,"high":0.01232199,"low":0.012105,"open":0.01227412,"close":0.01224702,"volume":11.47474031,"quoteVolume":938.52999477,"weightedAverage":0.01222629}, ...]
// Transform the data so that it fits the required format
let deltaSecond = data[1]["date"] - data[0]["date"];
let candlesticks = data.map(x => {
x.date = new Date(x.date * 1000);
x.deltaSecond = deltaSecond;
return x;
let pointList = candlesticks.map(x => {return {x: x.date.getTime(), y: x.weightedAverage}});
let bandStepList = candlesticks.map(x => {return {x: x.date.getTime(), top: x.high, bottom:x.low}});
let barList = candlesticks.map(x => {return {x: x.date.getTime(), y: x.volume, delta:deltaSecond * 1000}});
// Define all layers
let candlestickLayer = new SimpleTimeChart.CandlestickLayer(candlesticks, {
neutralColor: "#D0D0D0",
greenColor: "#038C3E",
redColor: "#BF452A",
opacity: 1,
shadowThickness: 1,
let lineLayer = new SimpleTimeChart.LineLayer(pointList, {
color: "#ff0",
thickness: 2,
opacity: 1,
let bandLayer = new SimpleTimeChart.BandLayer(bandStepList, {
color: "#FFFFFF",
opacity: 0.2,
let histLayer = new SimpleTimeChart.HistogramLayer(barList, {
color: "#FFFFFF",
opacity: 0.5,
// Add Layers to the Chart you want
There are 2 scales: TimeScale
and DataScale
. These are use to describe what you see in the chart. (i.e. Where the showing charts start, what is the scale of data).
To initialize scales we will use 2 functions created to make your like easier: SimpleTimeChart.Util.getDataScaleFromLayer
and SimpleTimeChart.Util.getDataScaleFromLayer
NB: You need to set the TimeScale only once because it is shared with all charts, but you need to define one DataScale per Chart.
SimpleTimeChart.Util.getTimeScaleFromLayer(chart, candlestickLayer)
SimpleTimeChart.Util.getDataScaleFromLayer(chart, candlestickLayer)
SimpleTimeChart.Util.getDataScaleFromLayer(secondChart, lineLayer)
SimpleTimeChart.Util.getDataScaleFromLayer(volumeChart, histLayer, 5) // 5 is the number of measure on the Y Axis
- You can see the full code from above here
npm install -g yarn
yarn install
./node_modules/.bin/webpack-cli --watch