Developed this in Python using Tkinter
- Clone the repository on your local machine
- Install Tkinter if you do not already have it
- Run the .py file
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
e = Entry(root, width=35, borderwidth=5)
e.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, padx=10, pady=10)
def button_click(number):
current = e.get()
e.delete(0, END)
e.insert(0, str(current) + str(number))
def button_add():
first_number = e.get()
global num1
global math
math = "add"
num1 = int(first_number)
e.delete(0, END)
def button_subtract():
first_number = e.get()
global num1
global math
math = "subtract"
num1 = int(first_number)
e.delete(0, END)
def button_multiply():
first_number = e.get()
global num1
global math
math = "multiply"
num1 = int(first_number)
e.delete(0, END)
def button_divide():
first_number = e.get()
global num1
global math
math = "divide"
num1 = int(first_number)
e.delete(0, END)
def button_equal():
second_number = e.get()
e.delete(0, END)
if math == "add":
e.insert(0, num1 + int(second_number))
elif math == "subtract":
e.insert(0, num1 - int(second_number))
elif math == "multiply":
e.insert(0, num1 * int(second_number))
elif math == "divide":
e.insert(0, num1 / int(second_number))
def button_clear():
e.delete(0, END)
button_1 = Button(root, text="1", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(1))
button_2 = Button(root, text="2", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(2))
button_3 = Button(root, text="3", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(3))
button_4 = Button(root, text="4", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(4))
button_5 = Button(root, text="5", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(5))
button_6 = Button(root, text="6", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(6))
button_7 = Button(root, text="7", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(7))
button_8 = Button(root, text="8", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(8))
button_9 = Button(root, text="9", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(9))
button_0 = Button(root, text="0", padx=40, pady=20, command=lambda : button_click(0))
button_add = Button(root, text="+", padx=40, pady=20, command=button_add)
button_subtract = Button(root, text="-", padx=40, pady=20, command=button_subtract)
button_multiply = Button(root, text="*", padx=40, pady=20, command=button_multiply)
button_divide = Button(root, text="/", padx=40, pady=20, command=button_divide)
button_equal = Button(root, text="=", padx=90, pady=20, command=button_equal)
button_clear = Button(root, text="AC", width = 35, padx=40, pady=10, command=button_clear)
#position buttons on screen
button_1.grid(row=4, column=0)
button_2.grid(row=4, column=1)
button_3.grid(row=4, column=2)
button_4.grid(row=3, column=0)
button_5.grid(row=3, column=1)
button_6.grid(row=3, column=2)
button_7.grid(row=2, colum=0)
button_8.grid(row=2, column=1)
button_9.grid(row=2, column=2)
button_0.grid(row=5, column=0)
button_equal.grid(row=5, column=1, columnspan=2)
button_clear.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4)