SAF 7.0.0
- TestsequenceBase Concurrency by @berndbr in #59
- Let code coverage reports be generated by dotnet-coverage by @berndbr in #61
- Code smell fixes by @berndbr in #62
- Json by @boeschen67 in #60
- Dependecy updates by @berndbr in #63
- Bump LiteDB from 5.0.12 to 5.0.13 in /src/Storage/SAF.Storage.LightDb by @dependabot in #64
- Async service start support by @berndbr in #65
- .NET8 support and JSON serializer fixes by @berndbr in #72
- Update to CDE with .NET8 support by @berndbr in #73
- Enable Nullable for whole SAF
- Build pipeline optimization
- Use .NET8 SDK for build
- TargetFramework set to netstandard2.1, net6.0, net7.0 and net8.0
- Infrastructure, ServiceHost and plug-ins won't be started in main thread anymore
- Use Central Package Management in Repo
Full Changelog: 6.0.2...7.0.0
Breaking Changes
Newtonsoft.JSON has been replaced with System.Text.Json
The move from Newtonsoft.JSON to System.Text.Json is a breaking change. Although SAF tries to keep de-/serialization with System.Text.Json compatible with the format of Newtonsoft, this change might affect SAF users. For example if SAF users where using attributes or data annotations, they will not work and must be replaced with the analog attributes from System.Text.Json.
SAF.Hosting: Removed UseServiceHost and UseServiceHostDiagnostics extensions of IServiceProvider
Those two calls are not necessary anymore. Adding the SAF service host and SAF service host diagnostic to the applications IServiceCollection
using the extensions AddHost
and AddHostDiagnostics
is enough to start the SAF host and add host diagnostics support. This was necessary to be able start the ServiceHost outside the main thread.
SAF.Messaging.Cde: Removed UseCde and UseCdeDiagnostics extensions of IServiceProvider
Those two calls are not necessary anymore. Adding the Cde infrastructure services and Cde diagnostic to the applications IServiceCollection
using the extensions AddCde
and AddCdeDiagnostics
is enough to start C-DEngine support and add C-Dengine diagnostics support. This change was necessary to be able start the C-DEngine outside the main thread.