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MicroBlaster edited this page Sep 22, 2019 · 1 revision

Purpose: Sell-Steal-Transport script

Description: SST money making script for evils - a more advanced version of SSM which uses less turns by transporting between ships. The first sector stolen from is the OPPOSITE to the one the player is in.

Trigger Point: Sector prompt containing xxB port with second ship aligned with another xxB port.

Warnings: Make sure you havn't been busted at either port. Ensure The last port stolen from is NOT the sector you will be SSTing to. Also make sure the holds you are stealing are not greater than the ideal amount. Failure to follow any of these precautions will bust you. Also make sure both sectors are free from obstruction and that both ships are withing transport range of each other.

Other: Quite a simple script, simply runs until the player is busted. Unless the game's steal ratio has been changed, the ideal steal amount should be 1 hold for 30 experience.

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