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MicroBlaster edited this page Nov 11, 2019 · 2 revisions

Purpose: Creates a script window to display information while the script is running.

Syntax: window {windowName} {sizeX} {sizeY} {title} [{ontop}]

{windowName}: The name of the script window to create. The window will in future be referenced by this name.

{sizeX}: The width (in pixels) of the new window.

{sizeY}: The height (in pixels) of the new window.

{title}: The title to display at the top of the window.

[{ontop}]: If specified, the window will be set to appear on top of all other windows on the desktop.

Notes: This is a very useful way to get information back from an active script without needing to dump it into a scrolling terminal. An example would be progress reports from a ZTM script.

Once a window has been created, its content can be modified with the 'setWindowContents' command. Terminating the script will automatically close the window.

Note that if you use of the "*" character in the window contents will create a new line in the window.


# Create ZTM progress window - as managed in 1_ZTM.ts
window ztm 170 94 "ZTM" ONTOP
setWindowContents ztm "Perc Done:*Est Time:*Speed:*Up to:"

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